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Hi, whenever I start up fallout it works fine no lag (except in some areas, but its normal) then like 30 minutes in it starts lagging weird like I will walk like for 2 secs with no lag, then it will do one lag chop thing and repeat on and on. It is really irratating so I would like to know what is wrong.


Thanks in advance.

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You could try double loading your save game when you start up.



I'll launch fallout, load a save game, then fast travel somewhere, spin the camera around, then press Esc an load the same save game again, usually as far as the CPU is concerned, the second load usually things run faster,which you know allows you to run secondary programs in the background without bugging out the cpu from fallout3's huge tax on the system. Like running WMP while you go stick heads on posts around the wasteland.



Then the cell buffer thing, Which is like a huge cache for whereever you go in the wasteland. You ever notice that if you go into a building then exit an go back in it's like only 10,000 times faster as far as the loading time. That's because it's loaded into that cell buffer cache. However the wasteland area itself is only about 32,000 cells, it's like 10 miles wide in any direction, which we only use about 2 miles or so, but with in those 2 miles it's like chaos on top of chaos thanks to havok an creatures, war, dust, all that mess.


I've found the best thing to do is download Groovatron.esp an F3UmpaAnimation.esp, which you should have anyway because they are fun, then when running around in the wasteland, from time to time you want to press X to place a teleport marker at where you are at, then press X again teleport to the total black room hit ~ to open the console then type PCB purge cell buffer, watch the poopy data float past, then press X teleport to the white room, then X teleport back to the place you were a in the wasteland only with a cell buffer ready for perfromance.



If you wana get into advanced stuff, go check out the articles, I've got one on shrinking texture sizes but keeping all the detail there.




Articles is a section of Nexus download, which usually has really great advanced stuff in there.


Then you could also read more Nexus stuff, there's a ton of stuff you can do to get the long games.

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