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Quest Idea.


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I was starting the Mog-whats-his-face's quest (Daedra Lord), when I realized this wasn't something my character would do anymore... For a while he had over 800 infamy (I dunno how the flip that happened) and he even murdered a few people for farts and giggles and at least 20 other contract murders...


But after "saving" the world he repented, started over, he is married, he stopped fighting in the arena, etc. He ended up doing the Daedra's Lord's bidding to prevent possible retribution to his wife. Anyways to the point...


Sithis and the Night Mother had to have noticed that my character hasn't payed them a visit in several months. You don't just quit the Dark Brotherhood. I think it would be neat to have a quest that allows you to completely leave that behind, to cut the strings, of course Sithis won't like that and he will try to kill you... Sithis and the Night Mother are the strings... And they won't leave you alone unless you kill them or "win" your freedom some other way. For example assassins may randomly spawn after you wake up or your wait time is over, and you have to survive these attacks so many odd times before they send you a message that you are free, or you may have to kill your way to their heart... (Night Mother and/or Sithis) if you really wanted to put alot of effort into it maybe you have to enact a second purge, only this time there won't be anyone around to rebuild. Or it could be as simple as going to "listen" but enter the crypt and kill the Night Mother, I dunno. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:


Anyways, just an idea.

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