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Camera Problems?


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Okay, I've recently reinstalled Morrowind (both expansions too), due to a problem with TES Construction Set, the first time I tried running TES Construction Set since I've reformatted, it worked. But then when I reopened it after I restarted my computer, none of the camera shortcuts (shift, space, zoom, etc) worked. Though, wireframe, and the lighting shortcut worked. I'm not exactly sure if the rotation scripts (Z,Y,X, etc) Also, even after the install, the shortcuts still do not work. So I'm stuck from being able to create interiors, exteriors, edit stuff, etc.


If anyone knows how to fix this problem, it'd be greatly appericated if you could PM me, post the solution here, or such.


Thanks in advanced.


Other ways to contact me if you can help:

AIM: Tatootian

MSN: [email protected]

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