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Knights of Nine mod for more than one knight following


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Well how about making them all ride horses.I took 4 knights with me and only 2 of them rode horses alongside with me.Also the KNights dont give me anymore topics other than Follow me , stay , and knights of the nine.How do you start the other quests ?
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Yes thats a good idea, I think just adding more horses to the priory would solve that? There is only 2-3 horses I THINK to begin with, but it may be code issues?


2 swords per KNight would be nice also or some way for them to regenerate their armor? I know NPCs dont do that which was a big mistake by bethsada

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So far I completed the Knights of Nine Quest, All worked like it was suppose to. I only lost one Named Knight, I guess I am more protective than others or they are playing on the hardest difficulty. lol


Named and Generic Knights will follow now so I can have my eight if I want. But because they have names I hate to put them in harms way. lol I will try and test out the side quests, See if they work as they should. On the one that may effect the Mage quest is that one I should do before or after the Mage quest? Not sure how it might effect it?


BTW does anyone know for sure if your items stay in the chests at the priory or is it like the Fighters Guild? I use the Bank mod so I am storing gear in the deposit box, hopefully it works as its the first time for me using it.

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Yes thats a good idea, I think just adding more horses to the priory would solve that? There is only 2-3 horses I THINK to begin with, but it may be code issues?


2 swords per KNight would be nice also or some way for them to regenerate their armor? I know NPCs dont do that which was a big mistake by bethsada


You'd probably need to set ownership of the horses you added to the knights faction or maybe individual npc's.


Checking the existing ones out would help there I suppose and you'd want similar horse AI as the existing ones have so they return to the priory hopefully if they get lost.


You can make a mod pretty easily where you make some extremely healthy zero weight weapons and armor stashed in a container and reverse pickpocket stuff into the knights inventories or add it directly to them in the mod.


I gave my guys rings with uber hitpoints and regen, bit of magic resist I think and water breathing, they barely get injured now.

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Well I think just adding 8 horses will be enough, I found before the big fight 3 Went to Horses and the other 5 ran, this was probably because there was only 3 horses there instead of 8.


Also as to strength these Guys are TOUGH they took out alot, of course I am only at Level 5-6 so I imagine when I am at 17 they will not last long against enemies that have levelled up with me? But early in the game they a very tough.


One bug I noticed that the Generic KNights when you ask them about the knights of Nine their is text but no Voice? I am not sure if they spoke before but I believe they did, I think when you deleted some things you deleted their voice replies in that area.


to start the other quest you need to finish the first and then you will see knights when you speak have other quests etc. Atleast it worked for me, I havent went on any of those quests yet, I was trying to level up my character to so how tough the generics are against better level units, right now I am only level 6 I think, Thats too low and there are weak enemies, they cut through them like butter right now.

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Well it depends on what level you are if you are low 10 and under they generics are super strong if you get 20+ then things change as enemies are more challenging. I did a test using OOO mod and they have enemies that are HIGH level from the start in some places and the Amazon women really did damage to the generic knight almost kill him.


I think they need 2-3 weapons as I have seen now MANY times the weapon being knocked out of their hands and then they FIST FIGHT, if they had another weapon they probably would use it. Also having a Bow gets in the way as after the use it sometimes they dont use the sword. Now sure if those are vanilla issues.


I am just glad to have more than one knight following me around if I want, but I can see one needs to be a high level for the generics or they are a one BOT show. lol

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Downgrading this mod's designation to alpha.


"The program logic? What logic?" - The mad modder


The design parameters of this mod were very faulty. The mod did what it was designed to do, but what it was designed to do was the wrong thing. "The operation was a success! But I regret to inform you that the patient died."


I need to change how the leveling works, and reevaluate how named knights and generic knights relate to each other. This includes realizing that either category can be available at very early or late stages of the game. I just realized that most of the dialog is misfiring for many gamers who are operating outside of the design parameters (which were faulty.) The quest dialog misfires for some gamers, so I am liberalizing the conditions and adding even more redundancies.


In play-testing, this does not seem to conflict with the mage guild quest I worked to avoid conflicting with. If anyone experiences a conflict with "Ambush" let me know.


The leveling of this mod is all fouled up. I am about to change it. I think I have figured out how to have leveled generic knights which are not too tough and not too wimpy. This would be better than the current non-leveled generic knights with 1000 hit points.


That is a good question to ask about respawning containers. I am going to go in there right now and make sure none of them respawn except the food container where I think the knights get their food. I want it to be safe for people to store their goods in containers.


It takes a lot of modding to make NPCs use horses, but there are now eight horses in this mod and I have got the generic knights to where they ride them for fun and business.


I have also made it so the generic knights will have their gear replaced automatically.


This mod is quite a mess, but I am working to fix and expand it.

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I think this is a bug because I disabled all my other mods and tried it again but whenever I take Aroldar with me the guards attack him on sight in every city.I took off his bounty and made sure his infamy was 0 using the console but he still gets attacked.And also Im not getting any other dialogue other than the vanilla one.
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Alonso, I think your game is bugged. I suggest Uninstalling Oblivion and reinstalling it then this mod. Because I have had NO issues with this mod. Sometimes other mods can mess the files up which I think is the case for yours.


The only issue I am having is the generics being too tough early in the game and when speaking to the generic knights about the knights of nine, there is no sound only text.

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