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Knights of Nine mod for more than one knight following


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There are a lot of people having problems with warped savegames. Because of which mods were active at a certain time, some conditions can never be met again in that particular savegame. Lots of console commands might be able to doctor a savegame, but that might not work or might cause more problems.


Version 1_2 has lots of redundancies to make things happen so it should be better than earlier versions, but I bet it still won't work with certain savegames. It is disheartening how unreliable the Oblivion game engine is. I ought to be able to issue a command once and have it executed. I shouldn't have to issue the command 14 times and wonder if it will execute. (The number 14 is not an exaggeration in this particular instance.)

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Version 1.3 is looking stable all quests are working, I suggest anyone reading this to download this MOD its really good and fun and if your playing 000 mod then you really have to try this to have AI help!
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This is great ! It finally worked and this is pretty cool.This is just a suggestion .How about having some of the Black Knights friends come and destroy the Priory and you get to rebuild a castle fit for the defeater of Umaril and not a small priory with 8 other people sharing it with you ?
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Its too much work, David has done alot of work already if you knew the hours he spent just on these small requests we made then you would understand. He liked the Idea of the mod, and felt he could use it also. But we cant pile tons of stuff on him, he wants to get this finished.


The next version should be the final beta and unless there are bugs it may be the final version. He is going to beef up the knights a little more making the named one stronger, he already added alot of extras and the horse stuff he wasted many hour for something that ended up not working.


Let me thankful he made this and hope he releases the next version soon so we can test it.

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Alonso, David is now working on other projects he put on hold to do this small mod. He has given the go ahead for me to release a modified version of 1.3 with some of the improvements that were going to be added to 1.4 So I should be getting that ready soon for Release. There will be some nice changes and feedback would be great. On of the changes is the Named and generic NPCs will be more tough, and that Generic NPCs now have specialties.


2 Are heavy Knights with Claymores and heavy Armor

3 Are regulr Medium knights like in the vanilla

2 Are Archers but also have swords to fight

1 is a female Battle Mage with spells and a magic sword. this was done for magival creatures which may not be effected by anything but magic.


So now you can Pick which Knights you want with you for each mission. If you need archers you have them, Mage you have her, and Heavy Knights for the Tough champion enemies.


Heavy knights are strong as the Named Knights

Medium are slightly weaker

Archers and the Mage are the weakest of the knights.


I will post here when its ready for upload.

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