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Knights of Nine mod for more than one knight following


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Yes I liked them too. David did the hard work on making them ride horses and follow us around and gave us Heavy armor without magic in it. But it was too time consuming for the small adjustments and tweaks I needed and he had to take time off his other projects, though he said he really did like the idea of the project.


I gave him a copy to upload to everyone so they can enjoy it until he finishes version 4 But I dont know if he will upload it, I just want people to enjoy the changes.


Feel free to post what you like on the changes. Make sure you sleep 3 days away from theknights so the new changes will take place.


I uploaded the new version here since I dont think David will get around to uploading what I gave him.



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After playing this for a while I havent had any problems except that sometimes my knights follow me on horses and sometimes they dont.Do I have to be riding the Horse labeled "my horse" in order to trigger the script that makes them mount their horse ?
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Horses are still buggy because of oblivion limitations. I would worry about it. When they are on the horses riding around it can be buggy on them following you. They only ride a couple hours a day so find them when they are not riding and then There isnt any issue. Oblivion and horses and not real great I guess.


More important is the nights following you around and having magic resistance 12% and more health. Also keeping levelling with the player so they get stronger as you do.

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There is a newer version I uploaded.


This version 1.2 adds a few nice changes.


Crusader sword more powerful, I hated after all the quests to get a sword I could make better myself with soul gems. So its improved Now.


I gave custom Swords to the named and generic Knights, Need feedback on this to make sure the meshes are correct etc. There are few other things but all stay in line with improving the mod not really changing it. Anyway its the mods I always wanted to Knights of Nine, I shared for others who are following this thread so they are not left in the cold and can enjoy also.

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New version is available. Some minor changes were made.


I was able to make special SPELL for Knights to heal so they dont need so much restoration skills. This allowed me to use Better Classes instead of SpellSword. I also gave heavy cuirass/Shield to the Heavy infantry and named knights, but it looks the same as the Light, but is none lootable. This did alot to make them more tough. Also the heavy knights were given the Sword of the Nine like the rest of the knights because with the 2 handed they seemed to die faster than when they used a 1 handed, weird to say the least.


Over all if you still have your Named knights or are starting a new game the Named Knights will last longer and you have a greater chance of them surviving the final battle. If and when they die you will still have some use out of the generics as there are 4 class types for you to use. I have found over all that this system works great, you get a couple heavy Nords, some light knights and a couple archers, and a mage knight for those nasty Magic beasts or champions that arent effected by a normal blade.


The new spell for the NPCs gives good health so they heal fast, Protects against spells and paralysis for about 180 seconds. This helps keep them alive against some nasty champions found in some of the mods like 000 Mod. Dont believe me find the Vampire nest with the Dawn of Light sword. lol Perfect testing ground to see how your knights survive!


Mostly whats nice about the changes is the named are still left with Bows, and so you find alot of them sometimes even 5 of them using them when they should fight first with swords. This issue is left for the named but not for the generics that now have a function. Archers like the range attacks and Melee ones go for the throat, the Heavy Knights are Brutal and Tough. The mage Casts spells and has that sword she enchanted with a spell for those nasty magical creatures.


Please leave feedback if you like it or if you have some simple ideas or such. I am learning more all the time. And this mod is stable VERY stable so dont worry about crashes or the like, I have been play testing it for about 100+ hours now.

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