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Long Bow Far Song Availability


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To any and all interested parties,


Far Song is a Long Bow that has several enhancements/enchantments that make it my most favorite Long Bow of the entire game. The bow is only available as a stock item in the inventory of the new blacksmith of Redcliffe Village, i.e., Owen the original Redcliffe blacksmith has to die first before it becomes available; you either kill Owen yourself, or you accept his quest to find his daughter Valena and you subsequently fail the quest -and Owen kills himself out of grief.


My request is this:

Can anyone create a mod that will make Far Song available in Owen's inventory, but only if you succeed in rescuing his daughter, Valena?

If Owen dies, the bow should still become available from the new blacksmith of course, but through this mod, your choice to either kill Owen or not, will no longer affect the availability of Far Song.

One more tricky bit, even if you kill Owen, you can still rescue Valena; how this affects the equation I am not certain.


Thanks in advance,


BTW, I have my game patched to 1.02a.



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