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Shivering Isles and CS

Zer0 Suii

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Hello everyone. I don't post much here, but that's because I'm stupid and can't word things correctly for most cases.


I had no problem earlier today but now when I load Oblivion.esm and DLCShiveringIsles.esp without setting an active file then try to save a new mod the CS crashes. I get some "TES Construction Set has stopped working" and a bad temper. It was working just fine earlier. I thought it was because I had CM Partners with it earlier, so I decided to not open that and just Oblivion.esm - no problems. Oblivion.esm and Shivering Isles - PROBLEM.


So I cleared everything related to Oblivion from my computer and reinstalled it. MAJOR PISSED OFF MOOD here when I still had the SAME problem just with my two installation discs. No extra mods, no updates, just Oblivion and Shivering Isles fresh from their DVDs.


Anyone had this happen before, or know a cure? I Googled and found nothing. Every crash report is in-game.




If it helps, I'm using Windows 7 and never had a problem before.


EDIT: So when I cleared my ConstructionSet.ini in My Documents and tried it, it worked fine the first time. Then I got the crash again. I checked the errors, and this is what I have:

Editor ID 'TB' (02001BFD) is not unique, previous object (00096F09) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'TBDUPLICATE000'.

Editor ID 'TestAyleid' (020028DA) is not unique, previous object (0007897B) is type WRLD. Editor ID will be set to 'TestAyleidDUPLICATE000'.

Editor ID 'AyleidWorld' (020028E1) is not unique, previous object (00078986) is type CELL. Editor ID will be set to 'AyleidWorldDUPLICATE000'.


Any clues? Thanks.

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Wow! That was a fast reply! Thanks!


I have the newest CE 1.2.404, and that's what's confusing me. I forgot to mention that I did update Oblivion and SI from the official updates, but only after saving crashed everything the first time after re-install. Then I updated and continued to have problems.


PROOF OF STUPID EXISTS: So it was Knights of the Nine that did the damage. I don't need that mod, but now that leaves another mystery- What's wrong with the KOTN?

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So it worked once, then it crashed? Hmm...


Have you installed the patch for the CS from that link I posted?


I honestly can't say what it is from the info you've posted.

It sounds like the Oblivion .esm and the SI .esp are conflicting

by having resources that are named the same.


That's not possible though, since the only way you could

get those errors is if you accidentally altered the original

files, and since you reinstalled them that can't be right.

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Might be a bit late in my reply but this might be the problem:


when I load Oblivion.esm and DLCShiveringIsles.esp without setting an active file


You don't need to check the Shivering Isles.esp. Only the Oblivion.esm. The SI esp is basically a dummy file which has to load the SI BSA's during game play to let the game know to use the data from SI.


At least that's what I've read on the CS Wiki about half way down this page:


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