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no mods are working any more


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Invalidation isn't so the mods will work, if all mods added brand new content, then there wouldn't be a need for it. However changes in the original vanilla content are unavoidable, all of which are stored inside large compressed files called archives We don't use archive invalidation anymore, what we use is called archive invalidation invalidated, as it's no longer needed, because we invalidated it. Heh, Anyhow, all that does is set the system to only use the newest version if there are more than one version of any particular mesh, texture, ect. This is done by the created on or modified on date locked inside the files properties. It would be a fart in a stiff wind, but it would be possible for two identical files to have the same date, or a mod that was downloaded which has a older date than ones have created when you installed fallout.


Probably never happends though, thankfully.


The big Red Blucko triangle mesh with the ! is the error mesh, it happens anywhere where the game engine finds a reference for a mesh which it can not find in the data folder, or in the location which is inputed when the item is created. For example the 10mmpistol's is something like Data/meshes/weapons/1handpistol/10mmpistol/10mmpistol.nif I found a big red Blucko triangle ! error in FOOK2 the other day, which is a very high quality mod, which gets tested many times before shipping. So your problem could be one of two things, it's a small bug in the mod, or you messed up when you installed.


You kind of need a tool to somewhat get a diagnosis of these big blucko errors. I find that the Groovatron works well. For one you can do other things with it beside have tons of fun. It's fose so it's hotkeyed for one thing, then 1.press C while a NPC is targeted, an you can access that NPC's inventory, which will show you what's in there, one of those things has a missing mesh or a mesh in the wrong place. Once you find the name for the item let's say it's a SMG MP5A2 or something.


Since I know the name for the item, what I do is launch FO3edit, load the whole load order, wait for the whole thing to load an say finished. Then go to the mod which I think the big red blucko is comming from, I open up one of the mods on the left of the screen in FO3edit, then go to weapons, above that list in the tabs for the tree there is stuff like form id, then another one which is the name, if you click here an arrow will apear, which is that the list is now A-Z either accending or decending hence the arrow, it helps when you are looking for one item trapped in 300, Form ID goes off when the entries were created so it's not A-Z, once I have it in A-Z, I'll go down to the M's because I know it's named MP5A2 or whatever, then I click on that name in the list which puts it in the view tab, an I can see all the details an data on this entry.


You want to look for the model, then find out what the path for it is, then go to your data file an see if it's there.


FO3edit says this one should be in Data/meshes/weapons/RateMyPoopMod/MP5A2.nif However when I look inside my data folder at that location the only file there is MP5A.nif, Hey I installed it in the right spot, it's just miss spelled, yeah that happeneds a lot, or you know the mesh isn't there or isn't in the meshes folder when I right click it an use the windows search option, that's a missing mesh, which is rarely the case, most times it's miss spelled, or the person installed it wrong.


However, from time to time it's not unheard of to have a werid archive invalidation issue, when this happens though, it's all player created models not just one or a few. So maybe it's just a small problem.


Something else is that you could have a mod which conflicts with 20thcentury weapons, it's been known to do that from it's lists an stuff, but the only way to know would be to have knowlege on using FO3edit or in the read me for 20th century weapons, you remember that thing you ignored?


You can find a really good guide to FO3edit called Web-ensized by CSB http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9616

Which is the perfect first step to becomming a uber modder god for noobish noob noob people like us.

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ahh... Just open 20centuryweapons/data folder and copy meshes folder from it, go into fallout3/data folder and


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