bleedybleed Posted January 13, 2010 Share Posted January 13, 2010 Hi all (Long post, trying to describe problem as much as possible) I've been playing the game for about a week now, and everything seemed to play smoothly. A crash every now and then nothing to get a headache over (5 or so crashes in a weeks time). Then today I was unable to port to the school and would crash upon loading. I then decided to load the new savegame and port to the town nearby and run to the school, no problems then. Killed the enemies there, ported out and tried porting back. Crash. Ran there again, and crashed during figthing. Then I started crashing at the super duper market - not while porting, but as soon as I spin the camera and enemies would show up on my screen. Or simply crashing while running into loose items on the ground.Tried an older save game, I ported there and no problems. Tried playing abit more with the older save game, but no luck, still crashed upon fighting and porting. I did see somewhere on the forums, that autosave and/or quicksave may be corrupting a save game. But I dont know if its that or some mods acting up. Started after I installed and then removed a mod today. (Body Control, decided to remove it since it made my face old and bald) Should I start a new game and use normal save OFTEN, since all I really did use was quicksave or would it crash later in the game as well because of mods conflicting ? Most of my mods are usually armor/clothing mods and it had all been working for almost a week. Using Fose, fomm & invalidation invalidatedModlist and loadorder: Fallout3.esmBrokenSteel.esmThePitt.esmAnchorage.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmHairPack.esmKTs_Centercamera.espNo Blur Effect.esphair_add_npc.espLongerDeathCamera.espCUSTOM RACES.espDIM CUSTOM RACES V2.espREJillOutfit.espCamon Black Dress.espeyes_hairpack_en.espExplosions Don't Shake Screen.espPEDress.espPip Boy Be Gone Mark II 1.1.espStar Trek Uniforms Female.espLargelyIncreasedDamage0.25.espLocationalDamage.espaLittleBeautifulRaiderFemale.espBackpedal.espPure_Lust.esp_R_Tribals.espRaiderGirls_pitt.espFemaleEnclaveSoldiers - Broken Steel.espSlower Levelling - super duper extreme.espDeath Canyon v3.espDeadlyTurrets.espMart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.espSRA.espMart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.espHIA Assassian.espTombRaider.espType3SimpleDressOutfitNimrod.espchina crackers.esp Total active plugins: 38Total plugins: 38 Bad save or mods ? Any solutions or things to try are most welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowmadnezz Posted January 13, 2010 Share Posted January 13, 2010 try starting the game with only 1 mod activated at a time, until u figure out which one is making it crash thats what i usually do Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mechine Posted January 14, 2010 Share Posted January 14, 2010 Lawlz, You have the stand alone version of MMM I believe. You need the full version. While autosaving, quicksaving, and even using the continue button rather than load promote coruption. There nothing that says if you did have a autosave or quicksave that it's not any good. The weird issues of crash as save, or crash at travel, seem to be linked to coruption or at least the sign of privious coruption locked into the save you loaded. What happens is that you can be crashing for an hour or more, mean while you are running around with a game that has gone corupt for one reason or another, to which you have locked that coruption in the save games you created while running around. Then the next day you load the save an the engine bugs outs from poopy data locked in there. What you could try is load up the save game, fast travel somewhere, spin the camera around, then hit Esc an load the save again, or you know since you can't travel, run into a cell an run out then load the save again, or just run around then load the save. Most times the first time you load even a perfect save game, it loads up poorly, the 2nd load of it after you mess around a bit or spin the camera, it's usually running faster. I get WMP to play songs while I run around in the wasteland like this. If I don't load the save game twice then the CPU freaks out from having two audio streams, more like 6 because of fallout is like more than just one. Anyhow it pops an bugs out, but a second load, fallout is running so fast that it's negated, an runs. who knew. Kind of makes you wana pandora thru the wasteland with only FWE loaded looking for crackers to eat. I go thru a whole process just to install a fallout build before I even get to the mods, Fallout is only ever going to run as smooth as the amount of set up work you put into it. If you like you can read into the kind of thing I'm starting to do after about 8 months of crappy builds. Let's go thru your load order eh? Fallout3.esmBrokenSteel.esmThePitt.esmAnchorage.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esm The DLC's all have sort of tiny changes as updates in them as they were being made. Out of the 5 there is no way to tell which number is right other than the fact that they were made an released in a certian order. In which case logic would suggest that the last one that was made would be the correct answer. Zeta is last so at least you have that, but it could be things that only Broken steel an the pitt, share, so that means it's wrong, but these are not even real issues, but you should have them put in order anyway. Because none of us will understand it enough to know. No Blur Effect.esp Uh you can turn blur off in the grapics settings can't you? HairPack.esmhair_add_npc.espeyes_hairpack_en.espCUSTOM RACES.espDIM CUSTOM RACES V2.esp The old rules were that you could only have one mod which changes eyes, hair, race, and such, but the cool thing is most of these folks are merging them into one, so there is just one big one. I still only use one. Which is eyes. It's so complex That if I were to attempt adding it in, I'd do it after I had already built a load order, fixed it with FO3edit, and then played for a few months. As a seperate job, deleting all my save games an starting over after I had fixed it to avoid any risk. KTs_Centercamera.esp Probably a bad idea.esp they should have named it that. I could aprove of like a TOTSC the other over the sholder camera, because it's the same thing only 180 degrees, meaning that auto aim an all that for all the different meshes would still be allowed to be focused enough to negate the effect for people using FPS like controls, I don't think you could focus it, but you might could use the noautoaim mods which get rid of it completely rather than focus it to reduce the effect, then it just depends on how the player holds it if you hit anything. Hence why I think it's a bad idea to mess with. Explosions Don't Shake Screen.esp This one is just stupid, delete it, it's a immersion effect, go play pacman if you don't like physics. Pip Boy Be Gone Mark II 1.1.esp Also stupid, pipboys are kind of cool an even unique, plus none of the other losers in the wasteland have them. I like it. Plus in the start of the game they kind of hint that you have to cut the persons arm off to remove them. Then there's only like 10,000 super cool pipboy mods out there, which it's not even that hard to make your own, it's just a mesh an texture. Then there's the fact that every armor out there is made with extra parts built around the plan that the player wearing it will have a pipboy. Yeah I think some meshes would look better without the pipboy, but there's nothing I can do about it, unless I want to saw off my arm. LargelyIncreasedDamage0.25.espLocationalDamage.esp They look good an I even might want to try them. However every weapon maker out there has different settings. It's tough enough just to get it to match somewhat without global damage mods, then you know who knows what's going on inside them until you look. I for one trust MMM's settings for creatures an NPC's just because I've seen them an compared them to other mods. Even mods that say they are tougher or better, MMM always has better settings, and is usually more tough. I have enough work to do matching weapons to MMM creatures, if I used these mods I would have to adjust them as well. Which I always pick simple an less work when I can. The LocationalDamage sounds like a less complex version of Real Injuries Primary Needs. I love PIPN, but it was a whole lot of work to fix it because it's rather complex. So you do have that going for you. Primary Needs Real Injuries is pretty good though so I guess it was worth the extra work, which was just adding overrides so that scripts in other mods would effect PNRI or whatever. Slower Levelling - super duper extreme.esp This is stupid, I've never used it, never even got to level 30 either, I always die or want to add a mod in an delete all the save games when I want that. Backpedal.esp yeah stupid, heh, backpedal, turn around an run, put the gun away an jump behind a rock. Besides the using the stand alone version of MMM there was no real problems in the load order, short of having it worked in an fixed via FO3edit, which you can find the guide at If you don't fix the whole thing, you should at the very least create a merge patch (the semi automated gathering of all player created content which is on a lists) then a master update when you want to play. I would say that it's a 50% 50% split between how you play an how the system was built that is causing the stuff you ran into. There's a few things you can do. 1. disable AA an AF from your fallout3defaultlauncher grapics settings, (performance), then force whatever AA an AF you want via your grapics card control panel, the AA an AF in the card is supercharged high perfromance AA an AF and also higher quality. 2.Never Autosave or quicksave, disable them, then never delete any save until you are ready to delete them all, then always pick load rather than continue from the load screen. 3.When you escape vault 101 for the first time, don't just run out into the game world guns a blaze, go thru the door then just don't touch anything, let all the 10,000 scripts that are booting up load up, level up, then stay there an wait for all the DLC stuff to finish. Go to a small Cell (inside building area) which doesn't have npc's in it or really anything in it. Once you are in there hit the ~ next to the number 1 type PCB which will purge the cell buffer of all that crap you just ran thru to get here. Open up your pipboy (if you even have one) then go to all the FOSE mods you have to set the In game options, Set bindings for controls as well, then ~ again type showracemenu go over your charicter again. When you are done, press ESC, save the game. Quit, reboot the system, launch it again and start playing. 4. If you can find C:/windows/prefetch, which you just open the windows folder then find the folder which is named Prefetch, it's a good idea to purge what is in this folder from time to time, but don't delete the folder itself, duh that would be bad, click on somewhere in the folder, then hit Ctrl A (select all) then delete, yes, then empty the recyl bin, an reboot. Only really need to do it every so often. 5.Force a defragment on you hard drive from time to time, especially the one that has fallout 3, which loves defragmenting, to force one you just hit defrag when it tells you that you don't need too. 6.Purge the temp internet files every so often, not too much, just when you know there's spyware in there. 7.Download Groovatron.esp an F3UmpaAnimation.esp, while running around in the actual wasteland, from time to time press X, place a teleport marker, press X again, go to the Total black room, Hit ~ type in PCB to purge the cell buffer, watch the poopy data float past, teleport to the all white room, then teleport back into the wasteland where you were, only with a clean cell buffer ready for performance. 8. Never add mods to existing save games unless you enjoy taking risks. 9. you don't really want to exit the game if a bunch of things are happening, or if a script is running, sometimes those can get locked in, even if you reboot. So try to save in places that are Calm, empty almost. 10. if you know something is going to try to use the internet, like for example, GFWL, games for windows live, you can block the programs, via the windows firewall exceptions, I just about block everything until I need it. 11. read a guide on using the Msconfig tool, which you run from typing msconfig in the run box or search box even in windows I think, it goes to a tool that actually configures windows, in the taskmanager all those extra processes, that we don't know what they do, well you can turn them off, but it's dangerous, hence the need for a guide. Like print scrolling for example, I don't freaking have a printer, heh, so I turned that service off, a lot of them you can do this. 12. don't overclock you CPU or RAM fallout hates it, dang huh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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