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What should my skill levels be at lvl 10?


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Hey guys,


I wanna play through dawnguard and dragonborn, but i hate vanilla skyrim at the start.


I wish to use console commands and boost my self to level 10 and jump right in the action


I want to go with a Warrior, what level heavy armour and two handed would i have at level 10.


I don't want to make myself overpowered and ruin the fun.





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That's impossible to answer. It could be anywhere from 0 to 100, depending on how you normally play. Skill levels are independent of "leveling up". You can have 100 skill at Level 1, if you want.


Find an old savegame and see where you were; that's probably the best way to match your play style.

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That's impossible to answer. It could be anywhere from 0 to 100, depending on how you normally play. Skill levels are independent of "leveling up". You can have 100 skill at Level 1, if you want.


Find an old savegame and see where you were; that's probably the best way to match your play style.


Ok then, what do you think is a good level for Heavy armour and Two handed at level 10?

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Okay. Let's say you're a dedicated Warrior and trained Heavy Armor and 2-H every level. That would give you 45 max skill levels to split between the two; add 20 or 25 to your starting skills. "Normal" use? Who knows. Maybe another 5 or 10?

Edited by Lord Garon
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There's a pretty easy way to calculate this.

Look here for the formula how levelling a skill influences levelling a character.

Now think about which skills you normally level. Even if you're a straight forward melee character without any other activities like crafting, you'll still level speech by selling stuff, for example. Try to find a somewhat natural balance.

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Can't you actually force a console command to give you skill points, which will then calculate how much you progress you made towards leveling up?


I believe it's the AdvSkill command.




So you would do like 1 point for heavy armor, 1 point for a weapon. Level up naturally. 1 point for armor, 1 weapon, 1 lockpicking, level up. Then just stop at 10, or whatever you prefer.


Unless there's a flaw I'm forgetting in doing it this way.

Edited by malisc140
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