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A few questions about CK and certain conditions

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I do have a few questions about CK and if certain condition functions actually work.


The first part is the IsRaining and IsSnowing conditions. Looking at the Creation Kit wiki page for info results in pages decided to those two condtions being blank and testing it (i.e. IsRaining == 1) doesn't produce any results. I don't know if those conditions are just dead for Skyrim or something I am doing wrong. Some answers would be nice.


Another thing that I am running into. I am overwriting a buggy vanilla follower and I am noticing that her vanilla taunts pretty much 'bleeds over' to other NPCs (i.e. using a dragon taunt for a Falmer, etc). I'm assuming that because how CK deals with AND OR conditions, it is taking the OR condition in priority so anything that isn't flying, gets called. The untouched vanilla conditions are below.




Any help is appreciated.

Edited by ThatGuyYeah
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