glowaru Posted May 30, 2014 Share Posted May 30, 2014 (edited) I originally posted this on a mod's comment section but thought it could use its own thread as well. So here's an idea: What if Odahviing and Durnehviir were not the only dragons that are able to hold back their bestial ego and recognize when someone has bested them. What if you had a slider from 0% to 100% determining how often dragons on very low health give up and land in front of you to compliment you for being superior to them in fighting ability. And as a token of respect they'd give you their knowledge of the dragon tongue in the form of a dragon soul. Kinda like how the Greybeards give you their knowledge in the main questline but instead of the knowledge automatically unlocking a shout word, a dragon soul would be added to your inventory since that makes things a whole lot simpler. Although I suppose there could alternatively be a system where you get dialogue options with the dragon for each word you've found but haven't unlocked and you could choose which one they'd give you knowledge of right there and then. Then after your exchange of words the dragon would take off and fly into the distance far enough to be able to despawn unseen. Edit: I should add, basically the idea is that if you don't like having to kill dragons but want to have them in your game, this would be the most realistic and immersive way to go about it. Even if you used mods like Skyrim Unbound and chose to not be a dragonborn but still fought dragons, if the dialogue shout unlock system was in place, then realistically just having the pleasure of getting a dragon to compliment you and recognize your worth should be reward enough (since you wouldn't have any shout words for them to help you unlock). Not every dragon has to be slain. Some should be possible to just be driven away. And yes there's the Dragonborn DLC shout to make a dragon become your pet but isn't that a little humiliating to them? Where's the honor and mutual respect?Sure as hell not in the head of a brainwashed dragon. Edited May 31, 2014 by glowaru Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spookymunky Posted May 30, 2014 Share Posted May 30, 2014 I really like this idea, the dragons that you let live could also be tied into the summon dragon shout in some way ? :) The dragon fights have always annoyed me in later stages of a play through.. they are supposed to have lived since the dawn of time yet are so single minded on my crime of being near them they somehow forget that I just humiliated alduin on a 200 hour requiem character hehe.. In my mind it should be more like the thieves that run around skyrim : if you are heavily armored and wielding a great sword you can intimidate them, or if you have the gift of the gab you can talk them out of it, or later on you can say dude, I am master of the thieves guild, pee off :)... For this playthrough I'd like to just say to a dragon "seriously ?, I just killed alduin... ok then, what are you a fire dragon ?, lets see here.. sorry, one second, cant concentrate in this damn weather. *clear skies* .. thats better, so we are really fighting huh, fire dragon... sorry *sneaze summon dragon shout*.. fire yeh ?, what have I got here.. amulet of the firewalker, dwarven boots of fire resist, dwemner cloak of fire resist I made cos of people like you... sorry, I feel another.. *dovachooo, dragon aspect from dragonborn snease*.. where were we ?.. oh, aetherium body armor, daedric helmet , hmm daedric gauntlets, aetherium gauntlets, or orcish gauntlets of major wielding. The orcish ones would go nicely with my ring of eminent wielding or whatever. Should I warm up dawnbreaker do you think ?, like how many draugr or skeletons can you summon at a time, the mace of bolag mal or whoever can take down 5 or 6 quite nicely but that alduin was pulling at least 20 every couple of minutes and boy did that break a sweat!.. oh look, one of my dragon friends just turned up, should I do introductions?..." "wait, where are you going ??" Sorry, got a bit carried away there :), sad fact is I still have maybe 4 dragons in skyrim that bully me to hell and back, 2 work together to protect one dwemner place that I looted as a thief at least 100 hours ago. I tried to face one of them off for the 5th time the other night since he disrupts quests in the area, makes people go defensive even when he is on the furthest edge of my default uGrid settings..even with my best dwemner / aetherium / daedric mix he could still eat me and finish the fight in a most ungentlemanly way :).. I am thinking it is a bug from my crazy amount of mods.. such a beautiful bug tho :) requiems alduin was tricky.. even he couldn't do a death move on me with my full armor tho. My current thinking on getting past that is going around skyrim collecting all the followers I have met then dismissed over 200 hours, maybe an army of 30 or so.. each one with epic armor / weapons that I wasn't using at the time. sigh, I see no other ending to my playthrough besides testing the engine to the limit, skyrim is supposed to be a battlefield, 30 odd followers into certain death is an ending hehe diverged from topic a bit.. I do like your idea :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wiseman303 Posted June 2, 2014 Share Posted June 2, 2014 I love this idea. I had often thought it would be nice if dragons that got too low on health just said "forget this" and flew for the horizon, letting you drive them off instead of killing them. (Or making you work a bit harder if you really wanted that dragon soul.) Having them yield would be even better. (Who really wants to chase down a dragon after sinking a hundred arrows into it?) Maybe have adjustable chances for either event happening. That would give more variety. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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