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Mod Request - Moving Archery / Magic aiming icon


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Here is what I envision using a bow (or magic I guess). The aim icon is usually small, I would love a mod that makes it bigger to start with and smaller as you get perks to assist or make aiming more accurate.


While aiming with this new icon ( think of a fps shooter when aiming) the aim icon would be like the size of a half-dollar coin on your screen, if moving it gets bigger than that, the arrow then goes into a random spot within that circle. When sneaking and stationary it could be the size of a quarter. Of course those are example measurements. Perks would make these the aim icon smaller with more perks but never smaller than a dime.


I do not think I have seen an aim mod like this and actually might be a great addition to iHud ( or someone make it as I believe it would be very popular.

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