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Encumbrance Bug

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Ever since I uninstalled Hunger and Thirst Survival, my encumbrance has been acting really wierd. My weight says 215/218, but the game says I am over-encumbered. I used the tdt console command to tell if anything was wrong, and it said my encumbrace was 215.1/215. It was 0.1 over even though the game displayed that I had 3 more encumbrace to go before I would be considered over-encumbered. I have no clue how to solve the problem. Here is the mod's link: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/24340/?


After further testing in game, it would seem like my game displays 3 more encumberace points than I actually have. I currently have 215, but the game displays 218, even though the console says otherwise.

Edited by Ninjakillzu
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