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Remapped Controls Resetting on Game Launch

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The title pretty much sums it up. I tend to tinker with my controls to get them to work "just right" for my approach to the game. For a while everything was gravy. I'd re-mapped the keys and the next time I started the game they were the way I left them. Recently though, something changed. For the last few days every time I re-start the game (with NVSE via 4GB launcher) the controls have re-set, not to the default, but to the way I had them at the end of last week. Needless to say I'm scratching my head over it. Now I have confirmed that falloutprefs.ini is not, in fact, set to read only. I could be a bit more thorough in my own testing but I can't find any reference (that actually makes sense) regarding how fallout maps keys. In falloutprefs W = 0011FF13 for instance, and S = 001FFF14, but I cannot find a reference explaining what J would be, or left alt or control. Etc. With that I would just set my own controls in the ini and see if something was overwriting it somehow.


Okay, I guess I'm done babbling. If this makes sense to anyone out there would you please enlighten me? Thanks.



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