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Bioware = DB


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What a bunch of DBs they are.. Since I 'refuse' to post my key on the official site, it seems they have removed or blocked my access the the 'general area' where one can post w/o a game etc.. I refuse to post ANY key to ANY site as I feel it violates my rights in ways and can lead to lost keys or rights usage etc.. Nonetheless, they have cut me off. What a joke IMO :confused:




EDIT: ok, so I logged out to see if my thread was still there. Its there and I can view the Gen area ONLY if logged out.. lol


EDIT#2: ok, now this is strange. I logged out, then relogged while I was in the thread. It allowed me to log in and all seemed fine. I could go from forum area to area and back to my thread np.. BUT if I close Explorer then reopen it and go to the thread it shuts me out again :/ Any idea whats goin on? Could there be an error with my Explorer? Or virus maybe? ima scan now to be safe.

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I here ya, i hate games that require you to show off your key online on a website, i mean i safe is it?.


I think wow is like that, another reason not to get wow.

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It's essentially their way of enforcing some sort of anti-piracy measure since only people who bought the game and have it confirmed can make full use of the site. I was able to sign up with my Spore account (about the only good thing that came from that endevor), but can't make full use of the site without confirming a DA key.


As I understand it, DA contains no DRM, or invasive anti-piracy, so I consider it a small price to pay. Your key is only being sent to the company which owns the publishing rights to the game, and is only visible by them, so there really isn't any risk involved. You also get the ability to show off your characters and achievements.

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