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From what I understand from your post all you need to do is delete the esp from your data folder as has already been suggested. If you've made changes to dialogue that information is only in the esp and if you have a backup of it just replace the one that's corrupted with the original or a backup of your altered one which you should have made.


Always backup your mod's esp in case of this kind of problem or even if sometimes the CS crashes which when editing dialogue can happen at the most inopportune times. How to avoid that is outlined in the Wiki page linked below. There is a bug in dialogue with the latest version of the CS and you need to know how to get around that.


The only time you need to remove sound folders is if there is voice acting and meshes and textures folders if the mod came with any will have no effect on dialogue. There's no need to remove them for a dialogue issue.


Any dialogue changes you made will not affect the Oblivion BSA's. They remain intact.


You can change the name of an esp any time you like and call it whatever you like. The content within the esp stays the same unless you make changes of course.


Go here to see tutorials on how to create quest dialogue and how to edit it. Follow the links at the bottom for more info as well.


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