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Civil War End - Ulfric/Tullius's Random Excecution Sword


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I'm sure everyone has been through it at least once:


There you are, the enemy capital in ruins and their forces slain. Upon the floor, bloody from combat, the leader of the opposing faction lays dying. Suddenly, no matter what his part in all this is, Ulfric Stormcloak will suggest you land the killing blow - "It would make for a better story". So you agree, whether it is Ulfric or Tullius who is to die you have as much reason as any to strike. And then your faction leader turns to you and says "take my sword".


Are you given some scarred Imperial blade by Tullius? A notched axe by Ulfric? Nope, you are given a random sword based on your level. And every time they whip out a Daedric sword for your high-level stats, you are just torn from the moment.


"Gee, thank you for this glowing, demon-bound abomination of a weapon. I'll try not to hurt myself as I swing this thing...."


Needless to say I am sure you see the problem with all this. So is there any mod that fixes the swords you are given to just be a steel or iron weapon? Or something that does not look mismatched with every armor set except a specific type?


I would happily try applying the change myself but I have no idea where to start looking.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Look in the quest and see what leveled list it refers to to pick the weapon.


Edit the leveled list to contain a weapon you think is suitable.

Or do what I do with the weapons I don't like from Immersive Weapons: find a cooler looking alternate on this site and make a replacer.

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