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Swords strike multiple targets


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  • 4 months later...

I would love to see a mod that allows me to have the ability to strike multiple targets with one handed weapons as well. I'm currently playing a big, powerful barbarian-warrior character, I used the RaceMenu mod to make her taller than most characters and to make her sword look pretty big, but I didn't want her to be a two-hander, I wanted her to ahve a big sowrd and big shield. My problem is that I'm playing with PerMa, so had I made her a two-hander she could have gotten a perk that'd allow her to hit multiple tragets with every attack, but there are no perks that allow one-handed swords to hit multiple tragets, regardless of how strong my character is or how powerful her sword is. I'd really want a mod that allows sideways one-handed power-attacks to hit multiple targets, that'd be pretty much fair as far as I'm concerned.

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