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Legend of Mana-ish House Request


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Hello, Rinn Kruskov here. I'd like to make a request for you great modders :smile:

I'd like to have a Legend of Mana inspired small cozy home in Skyrim, unfortunately I didn't put in any perk points into scripting tree so here I am. It's not necessary building it to look exactly like the original home. So feel free to use whatever available in your command and capability (also resources I guess)


Basically it will look like these :


Remember this home? This was rad back in the day *sniff*



This is the exterior. I know the players remember there being a ranch, workshops and that good guy treant in the back, but at this point I'll don't put them in the priority list.



These are the interior. Cozy living room with dining table, hearth, and kitchen. The right door (not captured in the shot, it's by the right cupboard) connected to the library (possibly could be implemented as library-alchemy-enchanting lab, feel free to throw in your creativity juice here ^^ . Back door leads to our disciples room back in the game, so it could be small follower's room perhaps. The ladder leads to second story and our bedroom.




My only request would be the location: which is somewhere near Illinata but not exactly by the road...and uh, no mannequins. I apologize for that, my game kept making these guys walk around on their own and I freaked out.


Long story short:

1. Small cozy home inspired by Legend of Mana home.

2. Exterior : small garden. No fence needed

3. Interior: basic amenities + enchanting & alchemy lab in the library, no need for smithery and tannery.

4. No mannequins (one day I woke up finding mannequins stood by my bed, never again)

5. Location: south shore of Illinata lake, somewhere off the path.


That being said, I thank you guys in advance. :D

ps: Not responsible for any urge to replay the game. *runs off*





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