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reflexion on skyrim mods and the need of TES5Edit for the end user ?


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I did use TES5Edit in the past for small changes

recently I've been looking at my entire load order in TES5Edit

I don't have that much unknown mods in my humble opinion

but even then there's a ton of changes made by either :

-official addons (dawnguard...)

-unofficial patches


which are reverted and can potentially cause problems


there's also all the IDM lying round ...

(btw I once installed mid game some mods that changed hearthfire lighting, and before I cleaned them with TES5Edit, the IDMs caused reproducible crashes in windhelm)


and I'm not even talking about stuff which might be changed by one mod & reverted by another, both having their reasons to do so.


so the end result is pretty much all mods out there would need unofficial patches and therefore

I wonder if for a good skyrim mod install, the end user is not required to understand TES5Edit & sort his own load order issues ... (better not to that midgame)

of course it needs some knowledge of what you're doing but still ....


just food for thoughts :wink:

Edited by whismerhill
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I think TES5edit is required.

The amount of possibilities with the amount of Skyrim mods out there is infinite so every person's game is different.


It's funny to me there is an entire forum devoted to issues and everyone is posting up saying this doesn't work, that doesn't work. To solve usually requires a "what's your load order." "Use Boss. "Use Loot."

I used BOSS, I think, a year ago. That was two playthroughs ago. I haven't used it since and downloaded and removed TONS of mods.


If you read and understand TES5edit you can see conflicts, make your own patches and load order becomes pointless.

If you make your own patches that means everything is running as it should therefore nothing is missing therefore everything should work.

My game is rock solid 90% of the time, occasionally I'll get a CTD or freeze but it's rare.

If I do get recurring freezes or crashes all I have to do is look at what I recently installed, what seems to be causing the crash and narrow it down from there.


Two issues I had recently that were incredibly obscure but I found the problem:

A forsworn boot mesh was causing CTD upon the boot mesh loading in game.

Loading a template actor in a leveled NPC list.


Learn TES5 now. Save yourself headaches and aggravation later.

A really good point to start learning how to merge? NPC's. It's where I learned.

Everyone has got the USKP, now get a mod that overhauls a TON of NPC's. No one merges there mods with the USKP cause there lazy pigs so you do it.

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