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Better Cities Bruma LOD


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Hey guys so I noticed lately that since I installed Better Cities, the city walls of Bruma no longer have their own LOD files.




I'm fairly certain that this is not a load order problem, since I have the Better Cities packages at the end of it and I ran BOSS as well as TES4LODGEN. I did notice however that the walls are unique and probably not vanilla meshes so that would explain why they don't show up in the LOD files from RAEVWD. Does anyone know if there is a fix to this? I feel like this would be something Bananasplit wouldn't overlook.

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The newest version of Better Cities has custom walls for Bruma..and a few other cities. I would have to take a look in the files later today...but it would appear there are no _far nifs for TES4LODGen to create LOD from. Seems odd those would have been left out...but I admittedly only recently upgraded myself and can't be sure this is even really the case.

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