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Hand To Hand Improvement


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Hi guys,


I was a big fan of Hand to Hand in the old games and even in Oblivion... Thing is, Oblivion had a mod to alter the animations into kicks, sweeps and spin kicks etc but I have not been able to find anything similar for Fallout.


I use Asharas Batman Mod (about time one was made!!) and having a Batman with 100 unarmed skill that has a stance and punch like a little girl is pretty poor.

Does anyone have anything like this???

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Does anyone have anything like this???




well.. thanks... for wasting my time...


being a request thread, are any of the budding modders out there willing to have a crack?


This sounds very much like a question to me, and the use of not one, not two, but three question marks kind of gave off the feel of a question



Does anyone have anything like this???


Question - Noun

1. a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.

2. a problem for discussion or under discussion; a matter for investigation.

3. a matter of some uncertainty or difficulty; problem

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Geez Tony, Chill out.

He asked a LEGITIMATE question. Either answer him normally or not at all.

Paton, To do that would mean adding more Animations, and that cant be done without replacing existing ones.

The quote in my sig was from a thread involving exactly this, saying that you cant add more animations easily.

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Geez Tony, Chill out.

He asked a LEGITIMATE question. Either answer him normally or not at all.

Paton, To do that would mean adding more Animations, and that cant be done without replacing existing ones.

The quote in my sig was from a thread involving exactly this, saying that you cant add more animations easily.


is that not what I did?


do I really have to keep quoting all this stuff...


Does anyone have anything like this???



Normal question, normal answer. He wanted a mod that changes hand to hand animation, I know that there is not one, so I tell him.


I just get annoyed when I am kind enough to answer a question, and someone thanks me by saying.



well.. thanks... for wasting my time...





Really, you should learn to read before you type

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Yes, Simple question, Yet a too simple answer.

If you dont want "well.. thanks... for wasting my time..."

Explain your answer like I did to him. You should know this because you've been here alot longer than I have with me joining in may 2009.

And BTW I did read it. Tony, Just leave this guy alone.


Thanks Commander,


Nothing quite like thinking you have covered every angle only to be shot down... Right Tony???


And yes, that is a question...




thanks to both you guys, for your help. Oblivion animations being changed came along rather quick, and I honestly can't fathom how Bethesda DID NOT include H2H Animations that got better with your skill ala Oblivion... They may as well have left it out.

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