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2 Mod Ideas (for Ui)


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Hi there, I've been playing the game for a few days now and I thought there are a few things in the UI that could do with a little improvement.


The first is a game clock that is always visible. Someone made a mod that shows the game time every now and then as a message but I think that it's slightly annoying to have a message come up all the time. Can someone make a small game clock appear on some corner ? ;)


The second thing is about the game map. I was thinking that if there was a color code on the various spots it would be much easier. For instance, when you look at your map for the various imperial city districts you get easily lost. A different color for different shops/residences/other would be really cool.

For example, one could use green for inns/taverns, red for weapon/armor, blue for magic/ingredients, yellow for general goods, red for houses/residences, white for temples/official and so on :) As an extra, if this is possible, the opening/closing time could be shown as a tooltip at mouse-over :)


If there's already some mod like this, please excuse my ignorance and enlighten me so that I can get it as soon as possible!! 8)

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