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Stupidest character death.


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OK, I was blasting away at a stunted scamp with lots of cheap flare spells. It had closed to melee range so I was taking quite a lot of damage but it was at very low health so I knew just one hit or so would kill it.


There was a flash of light, the scamp's health improved, by the time I realized what had happened it was too late and I was dead.


What happened? My companion had cast a 'heal other' type spell at me and missed*. :wallbash:


* missed me, hit the scamp.

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I almost never die of my own fault (Die somewhat often when Viconia decides to attack things in another room instead of our room pulling everything).


Last time I played (A few days ago) I got oneshotted by a rock that fell from the ceiling in a cave. I have no mods that actually make traps dangerous. IMO, that was a stupid death... I've killed Gods by myself, but the one time I die because its my fault, its from a bleedin' rock. :confused:

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Last time I played (A few days ago) I got oneshotted by a rock that fell from the ceiling in a cave. I have no mods that actually make traps dangerous. IMO, that was a stupid death... I've killed Gods by myself, but the one time I die because its my fault, its from a bleedin' rock. :confused:


Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies. :biggrin:

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In a fort, I was being chased by about 6 or 7 Marauders (thanks to my super intelligent companion, much like Saija's pulling everything in about 4 rooms everytime she starts a fight, and then gettin dead) I went back the way I had come pretty much step for exact step. Luckilly, I had the legs on the quite easily, as I do pretty much anything with my rogue-ish archer, and I stopped on a bridge to turn and fire a couple of AOE Arrows into the crowd as they came around the corner.

Somehow, I hadn't triggered one of the weighted ball traps on the bridge, I'd triggered the other two but no idea how I missed that one, and happened to be stood right where it came down. It knocked my flying off the bridge, sending my arrow harmlessly into the roof, and my broken body spinning down to the flow below. I would have likely survived but I fell through one of those arrow traps on the way and that finished me off. Not a happy bunny. Said companion has since been hung, drawn and quartered.



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I remember I mentioned this before, but mayby not even on these forums. Anyway I was fighting with some bandits I think and they where many and I hid behind a rock to avoid beeing killed by their spells/arrows. I had very low health after one hit me and while I was focusing my entire attention on the bandits, a mudcrab came from behind and killed me. I felt dumb. :P
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I'm used to having high acrobatics; I usually jump off things expecting not to be hurt. My old account (Which I regretfully deleted all saves of because Oblivion was getting 'boring') got me into this habit. Anyway, I was at the top of some ruins with my health rather low and a skeleton following behind me so I decided to jump out of the ruins.


On the upside, I got to watch myself slide down a hill for a little bit.

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I'm used to having high acrobatics; I usually jump off things expecting not to be hurt. My old account (Which I regretfully deleted all saves of because Oblivion was getting 'boring') got me into this habit. Anyway, I was at the top of some ruins with my health rather low and a skeleton following behind me so I decided to jump out of the ruins.


On the upside, I got to watch myself slide down a hill for a little bit.


If you have the PC version of the game, there's a mod that stops the almoust instant pop-up message that appears when you die so you can have more fun seeing your character after it's death.

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