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Fallout 3 Custom Poster Help

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Hi. I'm trying to make a custom poster with a picture.I know how to do custom textures and have done it before many times, but for some reason, this just wont work. I scale it down in Gimp and it only works every once and a while. Most of the time the G.E.C.K just crashes. But when it does load, it only shows the top corner. Can any one help?



In the G.E.C.K-

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Avoid giving ID names starting with numbers, Geck doesn't like it.


What do you mean by "I've scaled it down in Gimp" ?

Your texture size is a power of 2, is it?



I made this little how to long time ago, take it as a refresher :


Ok. I scaled it down by 2(power), and when I'm In the Geck, it crashes when I'm making the texture set. Whats Wrong?

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In your picture, the tex set starts ID with 000 - avoid number in the beginning of the name.

Ok. I've done all that. The texture appeared when I was setting up the texture set, but when I put it on a poster, its just rocks. What now?

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If I might interject. I've done a number of Posters for my mod. I think the issue you are having right now is that Poster01 is actually a Texture made up of 4 different Posters used for 4 different Posters in the game. Yea I know it sounds strange.

Use Fallout Mod Manager to extract the Texture used for Poster01 "UrbanPosters01.dds" and you will see that the Texture has 4 different game Posters 4 up on the page. Top right is used for Poster01. I know that there is also a Poster01.dds Texture that looks that same and is 1 up, but it is not used for Poster01.nif. I think that one is used for PosterLB14. You need to put your picture exactly into the spot where the top right poster is sitting. Don't forget to clean up the Alpha Channel.

I think the reason you are seeing "rocks" is because you are only seeing a small portion of your poster because you are covering a 4 poster area with your 1 poster.

Man that all sounds so confusing, but it's a start.

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