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Enchant effects on Power Attacks Only


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I think having a mod or script that only applies enchant effects and uses charges from a weapon on power attack would be a nice change to the default system, giving you full control over charge use. It would make certain types of enchantments such as: disintegrate, burden, silence, fear and many others an actual strategic use within the game. Might also be possible to do this on bows if charge use = bow drawn back >2 seconds or something like that.


If someone already has a mod out there that can do this i'd love to know, haven't found one myself.


If not, i would appreciate if this was attempted, I'm also interested in other people's opinion on this subject.

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It actually could be easy to implement with some key combo, like if you're attacking, a script checks if that other key is pressed, and if not it removes the enchantment from the weapon just for a while to add it back later. Checking for a power attack could be also done but I think it limits a bit your choices. If you want I could do it myself (I've been messing with very similar code recently), I just warn you that it will require OBSE, so if you want it just let me know how do you want it and I'll do my best.


PD: There are also other kind of magical strikes possibles in oblivion. Conduit magic lets you imbude a spell you own to a weapon and "cast" it on strike, consuming magicka each strike. Also my Chargeable Spells mod will include in it's new release the option to channel a spell that you're charging throught your weapon, even bows, kinda you interrupt the charge to deliver a magic strike, and Duke Patrick has developed a way to channel spells when striking with bare hands. They're all pretty fun to play :)

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Thanks for the alternatives in replies.


Good to see you are putting more effort into that Chargeable Spells mod grmblf, you have seem to have some great ideas. I might try out the conduit magic but i must admit i would be stoked if charge on power attack was possible. I'll be sure to check out the new release of your mod, sounds like you are putting a lot of work into it.

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