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FNV4GB - BinkW32.DLL - Error

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I have a problem with the introduction of the FNV4GB.
If I liked to begin this.exe, I get the following tip:

"The binkW32.dll file is installed in the Windows or Windows system Directory - It must be installed in the application directory."

The Bink file exists, however where exactly I must shift them, so that.exe can properly work?
According to another forum, on that I have bumped with my investigations, it has to go in the.exe folder (C:\Program files (x86) \Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes). After I have shifted them, however, there, I get the following error messages:

"The given module could not be found."
"Application load error 3:0000065432"

Can somebody help me? Possibly with precise indication of the paths?

Rgds Falloutbabe


German original text


Ich habe ein Problem mit der Inbetriebnahme des FNV4GB.
Wenn ich diese .exe starten möchte, bekomme ich folgenden Hinweis:

"The binkW32.dll file is installed in the Windows or Windows system Directory - It must be installed in the application directory."

Die Bink-Datei ist vorhanden, doch wohin genau muss ich sie verschieben, damit die .exe richtig arbeiten kann?
Laut einem anderen Forum, auf dass ich bei meinen Nachforschungen gestoßen bin, soll sie in den .exe-Ordner (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes). Nachdem ich sie aber dorthin verschoben habe, bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldungen:

"Das angegebene Modul konnte nicht gefunden werden."
"Application load error 3:0000065432"

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen? Möglichst mit genauer Angabe der Pfade?

MfG Falloutbabe



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The original binkw32.dll is required to play the game, validate your cache to fix it.


Move fnv4gb.exe and fnv4gb_helper.dll to the Fallout New Vegas directory. Try to run it from there.


If you still get this error, that means something else has installed the binkw32.dll into the Windows/system or Windows/System32 directory and it should not ever be put there. If it exists in those locations then delete it.

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