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Fallout 3 Freezes and Quits


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Okey hi there, I've always had this problem with Fallout 3, when I round up around 20-50+ mods to the Fallout game, it's like when I start Fallout it quits without showing me the Main Menu, I really don't have that many mods on, atm I have 14 mods on, and their all just some small business, but the bigger ones like TYPE3, Advanced Combat Armors, 'Random' Clothes for each NPC and the 85 Recolored clothes, it begins to freeze before I get to the main menu, and sometimes the 'mouse clicker' doesn't show up, so I can't type ESC button to skip them, it's really annoying I never had any of those difficulties when i had that many mods on Oblivion:p Any tips???
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