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Armor Taunts?


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Hey, after viewing the script for the prototype medic armor, I cannot decipher the code because I am not a coder. I was hoping someone could help me as to how to make my own armor create sound similar to the prototype medic suit, etc.


Any help would be much appreciated!

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Okay... Man, this took me a while to figure out. The armor uses the "genericRobot" quest to say some dialogue lines. You would have to create your own quest and either add your own voice files (make your own recordings) or simply use the ones already in the game. You have to use topics that appear on the "Converstion" tab of the quest. That script you had a hard time deciphering uses several conditions to decide when to say the dialogue lines, but the money part of the script are the lines that look like this:


MS14ArmorVoiceRef.Say MS14SuitEmpty 1 CrMisterGutsy 1


This means that the reference "MS14ArmorVoiceRef" is going to "say" the "MS14SuitEmpty" dialogue topic with subtitles (1), using the voice type used by "CrMisterGutsy" and I don't know what the last "1" signifies. As for how to setup the MS14ArmorVoiceRef, well, I haven't found it yet, so I am not sure what it is. It might just be a reference assigned to the armor itself, but it does not exist on the dead Brotherhood fellow who is initially wearing it.

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Very interesting, I do have my own recordings I was planning on using. I simply named each sound file "Taunt1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Etc". I was planning on using vault suit or something just to see if it works. If I delete every "ms14" target name can I replace that with the sound file names and actually alter the armor's voice with that of which i made? This might mean I have to replace gutsy's voice though, which is not my intent.


If I could use this very code, but edit it out to include voice taunts that I made, could I simply do so by specifying them in the parameters where the "files" are mentioned? I would like to copy and paste this script then replace the necessary parameters with those of which match my sound files.

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1)you can add some topics (MyTopic) to conversation tab in your quest (or "GenericRobot" quest for example) with "GetIsID - CrMisterGutsy" condition and use script line


MS14ArmorVoiceRef.Say MyTopic 1 CrMisterGutsy 1


to make armor say something




2)you can create some sounds (in Miscellaneous->Sound) and play them using "PlaySound" script command


First choice is better.


And MS14ArmorVoiceRef is robot in ghetto cell(MS14ArmorVoice)

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So anotherwords, I have to make a quest that uses the script as a function for the armor? Also, how do I create a conversation with sound files? I got the files I made and I put then into data/sound/voice/(Taunt1, Taunt2, Taunt3.. Etc)


What if I just create my own script that plays the sound when ever a enemy starts attacking me? Can I make such a script within the GECK that directly uses sound files I made? I know how to apply scripts to the armor, it is just a matter of knowing how to code it. I guess I need to learn the language that they set up. Of course, I do not know what type of scripting language it is so if you could tell me what type of script it is that would be helpful indeed.

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If you are going about this with the quest dialogue (as opposed to the playsound method) then you have to create a dummy voice file from within the GECK by editing an "info" and then using the Audio section of the Info Data page to make a quick recording (press "Record" then "Done" then "Save"). The GECK will then create a voice file and path. This aprt is hard coded into the game, you cannot spcify your own file names or paths. Once the GECK makes the dummy file, overwrite it with your own.


And MS14ArmorVoiceRef is robot in ghetto cell(MS14ArmorVoice)


Ahh, very cool. Thanks. This means that the OP (or anyone) can use the same reference in his scripts, so long as he makes new voice files and constrains them for his armor.

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You dont have to use quest script, use object (which is armor) script.


Gameplay->EditScripts (Script type -> Object)


This is example script for you (apply script to the armor)

ScriptName MyTalkingArmorScript  ;name for script

Short PowerUp   ;variable to use as condition flag (type - Short)
Short InCombat   ;variable to use as condition flag

Begin OnEquip Player
  Set PowerUp to 1  ;set variable PowerUp to 1 when player equip armor

Begin OnUnequip
  Set PowerUp to 0   ;set variable PowerUp to 0 when player unequip armor

Begin GameMode

  If PowerUp == 1 ;if armor was equipped
                           ; put your script line where suit introduces itself here
  Set PowerUp to 0 ;make sure to play it once

  If Player.GetEquipped [color="#00FF00"]MyTalkingArmor[/color] == 1 && InCombat == 0 ;if MyTalkingArmor armor equipped and player was not in combat
     If Player.IsInCombat == 1 ;if player now in combat
                                             ;put your script line for combat message here
        Set InCombat to 1 ;make sure to play it once
     Else ;else, if player was in combat
     If Player.IsInCombat == 0 ;and now not in combat
        Set InCombat to 0 ;reset variable



http://www.lutherp.com/falloutTut3.html - short and simple dialogue(conversation) tutorial

Maybe, if you specify exactly what need to be done here, somebody write script for you?

Btw, fallout use his own script language with hardcoded functions (although i noticed simillarity with 3DsMax script language)

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Find "GenericRobot" quest, open "Conversation" tab, r-click on left field, select "AddTopic", in "Select topic" window r-click->new and type name for your topic(MyTauntTopic)->OK. L-click on it and add several lines to the Info field (r-click->new).Some text in "Response text" is required. Check "Random" checkbox on each plus "Random End" for last one. Copy "GetIsId -> CrMisterGutsy" condition from "MS14SuitCombat" topic and paste it for each of your Info lines in "Conditions". After that, if you d-click on any Info line it show you (among the other info) full path to sound file(file can be .wav) - replace it with yours.

Then add following script to armor (MyTalkingArmor)


ScriptName MyTalkingArmorScript  ;name for script

float Timer

Begin GameMode

  if Timer > 0
     set Timer to (Timer - GetSecondsPassed)

  If Player.GetEquipped [color="#00FF00"]MyTalkingArmor[/color] == 1 && Timer <= 0 
     If Player.IsInCombat == 1 ;if player now in combat
        MS14ArmorVoiceRef.Say [color="#00FF00"]MyTauntTopic[/color] 1 CrMisterGutsy 1              ;script line for combat message
        Set Timer to [color="#00FF00"]10[/color] ; pause between phrases in seconds


replace green one with your own

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