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At wits end...texture/mesh problems?


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Hello all, first time poster.


I usually don't seek help from others, as I find it useful to try to figure things out for myself since it's much easier to learn that way, but am having an unusual problem I just can't track down.


I recently installed FO3 to play a "mod'ed out" version for kicks (sorry, but NV just doesn't "do it" for me), with the usual BIG mods (FWE, MMM, ReAnimated, WMK, 20th, Project Beauty, etc.) and installed mods bit by bit working my way up through Level 8. Gaining some confidence in adding mods, I decided to add a slough of additional mods, diligently checking and making sure there were no problems as I installed every couple to make sure that there were no glaring conflicts. Everything seemed to go well, then the load order tuning started (which I use BOSS, for the ones it recognizes) and try to follow others' posted load order lists for the ones that it is unable to find. Again, seemed all okay.


Fired up my mucho-mod FO3 game today, and getting a strange problem....restoring the save I find myself in Craterside Supply, and all is good. However, when I leave, and walk back in, I'm confronted with missing filing cabinets (red block/bang) and some other static items (the holotape, and sometimes even Moira and the Merc themselves). Other times, I walk in and I get the rotating textures on the filing cabinets, but they are there. Now, the red block/bang I discovered was the game NOT finding the particular textures (or meshes), but if they were found once, why not again after I leave the room/cell and re-enter? I've tried endlessly de/activating mods thinking I've found the solution, only to start up another save to check my work to be confronted by the ugly red block/bang again. I've de/re-activated my clutter textures without any success. I messed with undoing/redoing ArchiveInvalidation to no avail also. What gives? Anyone experience this?


Almost seeming like a hardware/disk issue to me, but all appears good on my health metrics. I don't have a great system, but enough for FO3: 3570K @ 4.4GHz, 16GB, 2x 560GTX-Ti 448 in SLI, my main volume is a 64 GB SSD, my mods and utilities stored on a HW RAID5 array 5x80GB, and my game install is on a 128GB RevoDrive.


Anyway, thank you all who have read this far, and if you have any suggestions or (hopefully) have run into a similar problem, I greatly appreciate it. If this is a re-install issue, we just may shelf FO3 for a while, because it's taken WAY too much time for so little enjoyment. :(



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i had pretty much this exact problem yesterday mate. what i reckon you will have to do is disable your mods one at a time then check the game after each one. one of them must have been corrupted during downloading. in my case it was the original 2oth century weapons reborn that was the culprit. when you find the mod thats doing it, right click on its rar archive and try the extract files option, if it gives you an error then its definitley corrupted so either try downloading the mod again or use a different one.

In my case, i think the external site that you 20th century weapons from has buggered the file as everytime i download it the same thing happens. i switched back to apocalypse armory for the meantime.

Hope this helps you


^ thats the thread i started about it, not much in there but you never know

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