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Perk ideas


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@ Burbinator


Hogtied is kinda different to Sandman Perk, Sandman Perk is a instant kill, Hogtied is tieing them up from behind, like i said if tehre were a mod like this, it would be good to have options of waht to do with your captive, sell them to paradise falls as a slave or something like that, of course this is your opinion, but i think this would be a intresting perk. it's creative and yet... different. Mostly people are making perks what just make your stats higher and increase your chances of blah blah blah... i like perks what have a animation to them, something different like cannibal and mr sandman those are two cool perks.


And when you said about you would add another 3 companions or something, there you do have a point about companions being weak, like Bunch, that girl you get from the brotherhood of steel and that robot you can buy and Jehrico


the only two companions who hardly die at all are Fawkes and Charon, i would keep it with just two aloud, i dont like when to many people are following me and you are basically a platoon, yeah i bet alot of people disagree cause if this was a mod it wouldnt be just for me it would be for everyone, but we gotta get a challenge going, i think it would be wise to just have at least 2 companions following you. But i respect your opinion, you place a wise comment and i'm happy to share my opinion with you.

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lol it's funny you say that, cuz i swear everytime i get charon to be my follower, he dies in some mysterious and stupid way. Like he falls off a cliff, or I fire him and go back to underworld and he's in a hundred pieces. It's weird he's the only follower to do that kinda stuff though. So I just mod it so all of my followers are essential.
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@sloth: You can already mes people and sell them, even randoms. All this would be would be an upgrade to the mez (100% of the time). So I still don't really see how it's unique, not to mention that you'd need much more modding to add in the whole slavery aspect, which the perk itself doesn't address.


@ both of you: As much as seeing this thread revived amuses me, perhaps it'd just be better to let it die if all you are going to talk about is avatars.

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