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Better consumable fx mod


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Is anyone interested in having a better consumable fx mod? If there's a request I'll try to make one. Now what I really want to know if you guys would have any requests on any ideas/improvements for Fallout 3 (only related to sound files excepts weapon fx and music). Then I'll try my best to see what I can do. I have a little free time on my hands and I want to contribute some of my time to further improve the game.
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Here's the sound. It inspired me to make a mod that replaces a lot of the sounds in FO3 with other video game sounds, like using chems will play the star music from mario when you pick up a power star, when you pick up buffout it plays the sound from l4d of louis saying pills here etc.



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Uploaded new ui and pipboy sound. Anyway. I'm working on death screams, hopefully it'll add real screams to NPC when they die. Even if their heads have been blown off, lol. Currently in the progress of recording and gathering screams, I need to know if it's possible to add screams to all npc in the game and is a script required?
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