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Sony's PS3 DVR add-on lets you earn trophies just by watching TV?


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Sounds like a fanboy to me, i am not that kind of a person to take company name and dislike it because of it, its pointless they make more then just consoles you know.


Unlike Microsoft, Sony has a bigger market then just their consoles, they make Appliances as well as tv's and so on, even processors like the cell.


Another thing about the the crtc its getting to conservitive. I mean they block to much, they should have nothing to do with music or tv's being Broadcasted, its almost Becoming like China, i guess its becuase they want to keep content strictly "Canadian", but there is a point where you should just leave it alone and let the public decide. Also that goes for technololgy.


Thats just me of course.


for instants the Video store that the usa has, it was delayed do the licencing laws here. Its a shame it didn't come to canada, i was looking forward to that aswell.


lol of course if it was sony, there prices probably would be to high :biggrin: and none regulated.



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Does it look like I CARE? Nope, and I never will. Keep your PS3 - a waste of time and money if you ask me.


EDIT: By the way, this might be of interest to some who read this. If Sony is a large electronics corporation (excluding their actual entertainment branches, Sony BMG and Sony Pictures), making more than just consoles, why is it that their console is last in overall sales regarding only consoles? On top of which, if I'm not mistaken, they don't exactly need to be in the console races, but choose to do so because of the mighty dollar. They may be profitable NOW, but this is NOW, not 2006 when the PS3 was first released. Production costs are down, hence prices go down. This means the PS3 should be gaining ground, but as of late they haven't surpassed M$ in overall sales on their consoles (that may change later this year, but I'm no prophet so who knows how the chips will play).


I wonder now, is this because Sony is aiming their console at the wrong kind of people that they think are true games? Or what exactly are they thinking? Call me a fanboy - and indeed it would be true - but the numbers don't lie. And they prove that you don't need to have the biggest CPU to be on top.

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I am thinking of getting another 360 this year for sure :thumbsup: , mine "RROD" 2 years ago, ever since then i had no reason to buy one and the fact i was you know >:( >:( >:( at Microsoft for not fully testing all there consoles before they release them to the Market, its "Criminal" i think.


Anyway since there is a possibly a Fable 3 coming out, and so miss dead rising. I'm very tempted on getting one again :biggrin:


Its not the company, its the games.

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Does it look like I CARE? Nope, and I never will. Keep your PS3 - a waste of time and money if you ask me.


EDIT: By the way, this might be of interest to some who read this. If Sony is a large electronics corporation (excluding their actual entertainment branches, Sony BMG and Sony Pictures), making more than just consoles, why is it that their console is last in overall sales regarding only consoles? On top of which, if I'm not mistaken, they don't exactly need to be in the console races, but choose to do so because of the mighty dollar. They may be profitable NOW, but this is NOW, not 2006 when the PS3 was first released. Production costs are down, hence prices go down. This means the PS3 should be gaining ground, but as of late they haven't surpassed M$ in overall sales on their consoles (that may change later this year, but I'm no prophet so who knows how the chips will play).


I wonder now, is this because Sony is aiming their console at the wrong kind of people that they think are true games? Or what exactly are they thinking? Call me a fanboy - and indeed it would be true - but the numbers don't lie. And they prove that you don't need to have the biggest CPU to be on top.



Microsofts sold most consoles at the beginning cuz they released it before sony did.

But you can say the x-box wasnt a 100% finished, cuz most of the first consoles got the rrod.

They just threw it out of the window to get the "mighty dollar" as you call it...you know, like the motto "First in time, first in line"..


Here you can see most of the issues mirosoft brought up cuz of the dollar...

Technical issues


And if you mean Sony just wants the money, microsoft is nothing better..(example: At the beginning you got to buy a hd drive for about 100€ (=150$) just to see HD dvds,

then there were cds which got scratched all over because of the rrod and so on...


But even though it got its issues i probably get one, cuz Halo: Reach, Fable 3 and some other good stuff is coming! :thumbsup:

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Hmm this is the one i had when mine went RROD, i wonder if it could of been resolved since it was a av cable error, strange never thought about it at the time. The one on the bottom right.



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If you had the right bottom one, then it wasnt the rrod...i had the right bottom one too one time (before i ever had a rrod) and i got really scared but then i looked up the user manual and so i could fix it...the rrod is in the left bottom corner... :blink:
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yeah, i had an issue one time when i accidentaly removed the power supply during gaming, i got the rrod for very short time somehow..

but after i restarted the console everything worked fine.. :blink:

but to come back to topic, im hoping that they release that thing in austria too!

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