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Starcraft/Fallout Mod Request


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I just want the hair style for this mod, and possibly her armor as well. Here are the pictures:




Thanks even if you consider this! :)

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Ghost armor has already been done my friend




You can customize hair with this




should get you pretty damn close if not exact


Dude! Thanks so much for finding these, I can't believe I missed those! Thanks alot! I've always been useing the wendy the welder hair but this looks way better!

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  • 2 months later...

Your link is messed up btw ownd


I think the ghost armor was removed from this site because thenexus won't allow any copyrighted content from other games


if you go to f3underground and undergo their approval process, you can get it there. I don't think I could email it to you, the file size is a bit large...

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