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Mod IDEA #1 - Scavenger Hunt - Place tiny terminal (you'll have to hunt for the terminals too) and unique keys along the wasteland to get people to find 'funny' or unusual items throughout the wasteland (each spot would have the tiny terminal the key by it and clues to the next one.


Funny things to find like a garden gnome holding a sign saying 'We're dying ^@&@#' or a 255 mile per hour sign or the like (if more than 1 item it will give general area of that 1)



Clue #2 - Make all wasteland enemies mild transparency to total invisibility to make the game a challenge


(the mod would have choices of invisibility layers to choose from) Like - Chameleon with vats, chameleon - no vats

Total invisibility (does not show up on radar) with vats - total invisibility - no vats


Yes I am aware #2 should be very hard. but then again it should be very challenging and fun to survive :)


#2 could also be modified to work with mods that affect more creatures as well



Anyways these are two basic ideas for mods, and even when setup would probably need people to help test them out if not too extreme (especially on later)


Please let me know your ideas on this (dunno if they've been done before either)

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IDEA#1 would be pretty easy. no scripting involved from the sound of it. Place one terminal that leads to the next. that's basic questing in true form lol.


#2 would involve texture editing and i don't know how to texture at all so i can't say how hard it would be but on a side note i did make a personal mod where i created a few different super mutants and yao guai. They were same texture but they were only knee high. It's a different form of invisibility but it's a fun surprise to see a bunch of tiny super mutants rushing up on you.

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IDEA#1 would be pretty easy. no scripting involved from the sound of it. Place one terminal that leads to the next. that's basic questing in true form lol.


#2 would involve texture editing and i don't know how to texture at all so i can't say how hard it would be but on a side note i did make a personal mod where i created a few different super mutants and yao guai. They were same texture but they were only knee high. It's a different form of invisibility but it's a fun surprise to see a bunch of tiny super mutants rushing up on you.



Nope to make transparent or invisible, does not require texture editing I've done it before I even have a mod I already set up raider class children (1 named 'hide and Seek' that has transparent scale. it's a rather simple mod based on the stealth boy spell


It would not matter the creatures, i did it on robots, super mutants, raiders, children, ghouls and others. just would like to know if people would actually want to play that way. not really changing their stats, just making it harder to kill them


as I pointed out however there'd be choice of transparency levels to make it easier or harder. of course don't like it - don't use mod simple 'nuff


Even on my tests I did 100% invisible - No radar warning no silhouette no vats no seeing an outline. they could be in front of you you would not see them


but that's a bit extreme and you'd have to use a heck of a lot of area explosives

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IDEA#1 would be pretty easy. no scripting involved from the sound of it. Place one terminal that leads to the next. that's basic questing in true form lol.


#2 would involve texture editing and i don't know how to texture at all so i can't say how hard it would be but on a side note i did make a personal mod where i created a few different super mutants and yao guai. They were same texture but they were only knee high. It's a different form of invisibility but it's a fun surprise to see a bunch of tiny super mutants rushing up on you.



Nope to make transparent or invisible, does not require texture editing I've done it before I even have a mod I already set up raider class children (1 named 'hide and Seek' that has transparent scale. it's a rather simple mod based on the stealth boy spell


It would not matter the creatures, i did it on robots, super mutants, raiders, children, ghouls and others. just would like to know if people would actually want to play that way. not really changing their stats, just making it harder to kill them


as I pointed out however there'd be choice of transparency levels to make it easier or harder. of course don't like it - don't use mod simple 'nuff


Even on my tests I did 100% invisible - No radar warning no silhouette no vats no seeing an outline. they could be in front of you you would not see them


but that's a bit extreme and you'd have to use a heck of a lot of area explosives


I already made a beta version of the stealth enemies and put it here


- http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10926


the other mod however would take a lot more time

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#2 would involve texture editing and i don't know how to texture at all so i can't say how hard it would be but on a side note i did make a personal mod where i created a few different super mutants and yao guai. They were same texture but they were only knee high. It's a different form of invisibility but it's a fun surprise to see a bunch of tiny super mutants rushing up on you.


No, the chameleon effect is a hardcoded ability from the game. Its only used for stealthboys in fallout 3, but ever play oblivion? it was an armor enchant, or you could cast it or potion up. Easily the cheapest method in vanilla.


The stealth mod looks challenging, but it'd be rather boring shooting faint outlines all day. I'd rather be looking at actual enemies, to be honest. And there are already ways of turning off the compass so you can't use it to find enemies.


I think it'd be more interesting if instead of making all enemies partially invisible, you created a few new enemies who are centered around being stealthy. High level talon mercs start using stealth armor and silenced weaponry to take you out, for example. Or you introduce a new kind of chameleon creature that roams the wasteland to make players stay on their toes. Perhaps an invis spider type that climbs on ceilings and leaps at the player. Give somebody a heart attack why don't you =)

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#2 would involve texture editing and i don't know how to texture at all so i can't say how hard it would be but on a side note i did make a personal mod where i created a few different super mutants and yao guai. They were same texture but they were only knee high. It's a different form of invisibility but it's a fun surprise to see a bunch of tiny super mutants rushing up on you.


No, the chameleon effect is a hardcoded ability from the game. Its only used for stealthboys in fallout 3, but ever play oblivion? it was an armor enchant, or you could cast it or potion up. Easily the cheapest method in vanilla.


The stealth mod looks challenging, but it'd be rather boring shooting faint outlines all day. I'd rather be looking at actual enemies, to be honest. And there are already ways of turning off the compass so you can't use it to find enemies.


I think it'd be more interesting if instead of making all enemies partially invisible, you created a few new enemies who are centered around being stealthy. High level talon mercs start using stealth armor and silenced weaponry to take you out, for example. Or you introduce a new kind of chameleon creature that roams the wasteland to make players stay on their toes. Perhaps an invis spider type that climbs on ceilings and leaps at the player. Give somebody a heart attack why don't you =)


The current mod I just made they ARE partially invisible not fully, they are transparent. they can be seen if you are looking hard for them


in this virtually every main type of creature in the game is transparent. (except good guys and quest givers and quest area creatures

It doesn't improve their hits, does not improve their sneak (because they rarely do that) just makes it more of a challenge .


Now Taking VATS off is easy enuff. but I have to do that creature for creature

TOTAL Invisibility is possible too I did that before but that gets EXTREMELY difficult

(no outlines, no transparencies, no vats, no radar of them) But they sure were there shooting at you


anyways it's more for a challenge individual creatures could be set with 'better stats' maybe i'll make a version like that but still give the stealth field Maybe make some raiders and super mutants more in ambush like states

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a gang of supermutants ambushing you with stealthboys would be freaking awesome =). I just wouldnt want to fight such enemies all the time :P.


What % invis are you thinking of giving them atm?


They Are currently at 50% though I do not think the level will go lower

From what I see it is either on or or off but when I update it I can try for lower there's still some bugs like some of them you cannot see their names, some you cannot loot after they die.


Basically when I make them able to 'respawn' you can no longer loot any version I might be able to fix that however not sure yet

(which means a huge percent of game creatures are no longer lootable)


It is not really the fact of the invisibility spell it's the fact they respawn


I'm testing some things to avoid that. not sure it will work though


Took the beta down to fix the no looting bug. I have to redo the whole thing to do that, and that means I cannot touch any of the 'respawn' features that is what causes that errors however you can see links of how the stealth works on the file holder I provided. I changed it to 25% and stealth is the same it does not matter

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  • 3 weeks later...

If anyone would help beta test both mods and report any errors I would greatly appreciate it, especially the SCAVenger hunt


while I did a play through and successfully went through all 11 levels I did not particularly pay attention if any in-game errors occurred


Especially considering I plan on adding dozens of more quests it takes time to add and test both


(the invisible one does not really need testing it seems to work perfectly)

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