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Installing HGEC And Exnem's Body Mods


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I am fairly new to modding although it seems to be running smoothly. My topic has to do with

installing the HGEC Body mod and Exnems body mod together. Is it advisable? What would be the advantage/disadvantage? I

would like to use some of Exnems clothing mods but they clip (?) a lot on my HGEC body. I use the HGEC fighter body, H-cup,

LL bottom. I also run OBMM, OBSE 17b, and both patches. Would installing the Exnem body mod reduce the clipping or would it

cause problems with the HGEC mod? If installing it helps, how do I load it? What files would I have to overwrite?


I would appreciate any help with this. Sorceress

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It isn't advisable to use two body replacer mods at the same time. Most likely the latest installed files will overwrite the previously installed one. You'll have to pick which of the two mods you'd prefer and try to find if a variant of the armors/clothes that you want is available for that body replacer.


Preferably, if you can mod stuff yourself, you can make new armors/clothes for the body type that you prefer. (Noting that you picked the HGEC H-cup fighter, which is kinda exotic in terms of armor/clothes support.)

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