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About The Never Ending Story


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Hello everyone! :happy:

Lets cut the smalltalk and go straight to the point shall we? :rolleyes:

This forum have increased heavily in popularity since Oblivion arrived, and...

... Damn... That was probably considered as smalltalk, what I wanted to say was:




*EVERYONE are welcome to post in the Never Ending Story *




This means:

You do not have to read through the whole story before posting! (Incredible isn't it? :P)

I only want you to read some of the latest posts (4 or 5 maybe) so that you have a clue of what is currently happening.


FAQ (I just couldn't resist, it adds a proffesional touch ;) ) :


Question: What the hell is a Never Ending story?

Answer: It is a story that hopefully never ends, and it is a story in which everyone may participate.


Someone have posted a post like this in the story:


And then he...


I know what you are thinking: What the heck did he do?

(Ok, maybe I didn't know, but lets continue anyway)

That is what YOU are going to write if you decide to post next, you write what he is going to do, and then end your post in a way so that someone else may continue, for example:


Dodged the flying hat, jumped under the nearest table, ands started to...


And so it continues, for ever, and ever, and ever...




Here are the rules for posting:



A copy from one of my posts in NES:


I would like to turn this story into something that is more llike an rpg (without a defined leader - or dungeonmaster or whatever you want to call it - though). This means that "And so the world was turned in to a big cheesecake"-posts wont be accepted, posts like "And so the turtle was turned in to a big cheesecake right before their eyes" are highly appreciated though! I don't want the story to be sane... The mare thought give me creeps... But I want it to be more focused on roleplay.

This does not mean you are restricted to only one character, everyone can still control every character, just like before.


Short summary for those of you who didn't have enough patience to read through the whole [ I was going to write s-h-i-t here... But that... extremely... ( I have to write "funny" here... I don't want to know what kind of nasty stuff that will happen if I don't ) funny guy Dark0ne had some spellingcheck on... which turned it into POO instead... and for some reason that didn't sound half as good as s-h-i-t... ] above. Here are the rules:

1. Don't bend the frames to much.

2. Keep the humour raining down as before, but on a "local" plane.

3. Have fun.

4. And follow the rules.




If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, I wont bite you :rolleyes: ;)


And don't forget to pay a visit to the Never Ending Story thread :happy:




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