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Fallout new vegas realistic wasteland mod


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I need a lot of people to help me with a huge fallout mod


What is this mod about?


With this mod i am planning to completely overhaul fallout new Vegas wasteland, how ? making it more realistic in every way possible.


How am i going to do this?


As an example of what i am planning to do lets take the first vendor you encounter in fallout new Vegas, the one in goodsprings. When you enter The goodsprings general store you see this man named chet who never seem to know what is to organize. There are two freezers staked in the middle with junk inside, and a bunch of stands which have nothing good on it. What i want to do is to make it realistic in the way a real one would look.


For a redesign i would remove those two freezers and maybe have a table and some chairs or a few hand built tables with some food on it, maybe a few weapons at the back in the wall or just laying around. and place the two freezers outside like their garbage, you get the idea, and maybe replace the weapons he sells for what he would really sell, maybe two varmint rifle's and a few revolvers, meat from the brahmin's, sunset sarsaparilla and a few bottles of alcohol.


Why do i need a lot of people?


What i want to do affects the whole wasteland, to give off the sense that people have really made progress, that they have built things, tidied up the mess, that they really care about their surroundings. This will affect every basically everywhere there are people living around the wasteland.


Why am i doing this


We all know you've got the game full of mods to make it a better experience, but why don't we all just try to make it a better experience overall rather than doing just a overhaul mod for goodsprings, why not make it for everywhere.


Off course i need all the help i can get, better if its from experienced modders.


Myself, am completely new to modding of fallout new Vegas, an so noob i couldn't even get a custom house i made to work, i wanted to make the house beside doc Mitchell's house a player home but am noob and i don't know how to work with doors.

I also have a really shitty PC that is basically not even mine, i have to go to my uncles house who lives beside me to use it. but i am still dedicated to doing it and i will do it even if it takes me 2 years to do.


i know this project is eons away from what i can do and it is probably to big in scope since its basically making the whole map of new Vegas again but am pretty sure it will be awesome when its done. Think something like project Nevada. A complete overhaul of new Vegas to make it seem like a more realistic place. I know a whole lot of stuff needs to be done and this is why i need people helping me


if your interested definitely add me and state it in this forum.


if you want to contact me faster just pm me on YouTube : nikobellic1985 or add me on skype : adrianacosta1985

Edited by nikobellic1985
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Myself, am completely new to modding of fallout new Vegas, an so noob i couldn't even get a custom house i made to work



I need a lot of people to help me with a huge fallout mod


How am i going to do this?

So you just want other modders make it for ya. That's not gonna work like that. Want some help - make something. Maybe some kind of showcase with changes already implemented in the game, already modded locations, few tested and working scripts, etc. No one cares about crazy/epic/immersive/realistic ideas. We all have tons of ideas. And if somebody is asking for hel - he should have something better that "I'm a noob, but I want to be your baws, here's my idea, now go and make it real for me".

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