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Missing Meshes & Texture For All Left Glove


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Need help if someone has same problem like me before!


I don't know when it was happen :( but suddenly i realized if i got missing texture and meshes for left hand (just left) for all kinds of armor and clothing just in my PC (NPC is not affected). Don't know how it was happen or when but i realized it when i saw my characters wear Laracroft Tomb Rider armor, her meshes and texture for left hands glove is missing instead meshes and texture for the normal hands appear no matter i wear different armor and clothing which have textures and meshes in left and right glove. I've tried many ways to make it back like before but none of it works. Please if anyone know how to solve this i would be very grateful.


Thanks be4 :) .

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Try to duplicate it in a new game start with a new charicter, or check your privious saves.


Uh... The pipboy glove is on the left hand. There are some mods that get rid of it totally. But you know every armor made is made with parts for the pipboy, then also without for npc's which don't use Pipboys. So you wouldn't really know if everything would work right. I kind of feel like it's a risk messing with that, so I just leave it alone. It's like the body mods, there are complex, so I don't use them.


Groovatron has FOSE commands ingame thru a interface, which you can remove or restore the pipboy glove, or pipboy. I think FOOK has something like this as well. Then if you knew the Form ID's for the Pipboy glove or pipboy, then you could also just open the console ~ an type Player.additem or Player.removeitem.


You could have something which messed up the glove or pipboy from installing stuff. Also the game could have just gone wrong. You could try to duplicate it in a new game. Then you could also unpack the textures an meshes from the .BSA with FOMM, then installing them into the data folder following the same path which selecting more than one thing to extract at a time (extracted to desktop) which will also create the folders in the right path in which you would need to install them inside the actual data folder. Something like that. I've unpacked things from the .BSA before which were messed up in-game, which unpacking the vanilla files from the .BSA fixes.

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