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All-Female Mod


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I'll ignore the obvious "why, oh dear god, why?" question, and just get to answering it.


First off, the number of actors who don't have dialogue specific to their location/race/gender is rather small, and most of them are random bandits and the like. Although some of them may not be critical in nature, they would still have some lines of their dialogue which would be broken (no sound, so doesn't allow time to read it) or spoken in their original voice.


Secondly, any mod which attempted to change the gender of any existing NPCs would only work on a new game as most NPCs are saved within that game as soon as it starts. Any changed NPC would also use their pre-existing face textures, which can result in some really bad faces and body coloring.


Third, the console (obse) function which changes gender is not particularly stable, and will crash the game if the actor it is changing is currently loaded. Although you can change the gender of a non-loaded actor, loading that actor before refreshing memory (save, quit, load) will cause the game to crash. While these functions will work on a game in progress, they still run into the issue of dialogues as well as face/body textures.


Probably one of the reasons why someone hadn't bothered.

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