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Desktop Pointer Appears InGame


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Hello All!


Wondering if anyone can help me. I'm experiencing a problem with the Desktop pointer appearing ingame. Now I've looked into it and I know other people have it, Except when they click, the game minimized to desktop and the then the game has to be restarted. Well, In my case the cursor appears at the left side of the screen, And I can continue playing. Clicking has no effect on the game...Its just an annoying pointer that bloody keeps popping up to say hello everytime I go left...


I've been at it for awhile but I had to give up and see if someone else out there has the brains to figuire it out, Im clueless. My drivers are up-to-date and I'm running Game of the Year edition, Though it is off steam if that has any effect. ( But I run Fallout 3 through an FOSE Addon that allows complexed scripts to run ).


I've played Fallout 3 for Months and this happend out of the blue. Strange, eh?


I've tried windowed mode. Changing resoultion. Disabling AntiAliasing, VSync. Most of the game settings basically but that lovely little pointer just doesn't want to go away..Nope..It seems to like Fallout 3 as much as I do..


Any help would be appreciated. I've been all over the web, I've tried their methods, Even though the problem isn't exactly the same. I've had no luck.


Anyone have any ideas what the hell is going on?


Thanks in advance.



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It only minimizes the game if you actually click the start button or toolbar. Just open your pipboy and then move the cursor to the other side of the screen (if its popping through in the lower left, move it to the upper right), and close the pipboy.
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Thanks for the Reply.


I tried it. It didn't work.


I will say though, I did use this tweak guide not long ago to boost performane.




It's on Page 10 halfway down the page. I edited the background loading and the thread sections of my INI file. You don't think that would have affected the game in any way? I will say that my game has had a large performance boost but the cursor that appears on the left is annoying.


When I say left, I mean, The whole of the left border, From the bottom to the top, I can move the Windows Cursor from the bottom left to the top left as long as i'm at the border of the screen.


Hope this helps.



EDIT: Got it sorted. I deleted my INI out of curiosity and wham, Its working again. Had to retweak it, But its working. Looks like that tweak guide I used needs some tweaking itself!

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Yeah there's an issue with Bethesda games dropping the cursor, especially for people who have items on their desktop. There doesn't seem to be much that can be done about it other than watching out for it, learning to recognize situations that make it more likely to appear and just moving it out of the way with the pipboy screen open. BTW the purpose of opening the pipboy is so that your character does not move. As far as I know there is no permanent fix, so eventually the cursor will drop again and make its way back into an area of the screen that it can pop through, usually around your start button even if you move the taskbar.


But yours is the first case I've heard about that it can be seen on the entire side of the screen from top to bottom. I am glad to see you got it sorted out.


IRT the tweak guide, a lot of people here use it, so hopefully your thread will help others as well.

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