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What Leveled Lists (creature/npc/item) Mod Combination Are You Using,


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There are tons out there right now, and I'm starting to get overwhelmed by the combinations and what works with what, etc, etc...


Right now I'm using Winterborne's Wilderness Creatures List, Axebane's Hunters Mod, and Jarols Npc Equipment Mod. Of course I've got other things running, but I'm 99% sure that the other mods I'm running don't interfere with these.


I'm curious what other people are using, if any.


What I'm looking for is essentially a more random world that makes "sense", but that affects everything possible in the world. I know that quest modding is a nightmare as I understand it, and I'm fine with that for now. But I really want more random varied encounters everywhere possible, and the loot to match including chests, etc.


I'm not even sure if the mods I'm using achieve what I'm looking for, I've gotten so confused with all the "what this mod DOES" and "what this mod DOESN'T do".


So anyway, just loooking to spark discussion of how people are "fixing" the scaling in the game...

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