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Missin the name of a particular mod...


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I'm on a new computer now, with no access to my old oblivion mods, but there is one mod in particular I'm looking for, because I loved it so much.


Pretty much, it would "save" objects you targeted, and you could name them into the "saved list" as whatever name you wanted. Then when the menu was opened up again, you could load the objects you have previous saved.


So like... if I really liked a certain statue in one of the ruins, I could save it into the mod as "Ruin Statue" and load it later into my home, or anywhere really.


Worked wonders for decorating! <3


I've tried to find it everywhere, and managed to find another mod I was searching for in addition to this one: Decorator Assistant. But thats not the mod I'm asking for :)


Please and thanks in advance :D

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