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How Come my Images don't Automatically Apears on Mod Page?


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How come my images don't show automatically on the mod page, while others do. I don't get it. How do I make them show. Instead of just clicking on the link. Do you have to be a premium member or something?
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I don't think this is it. This is about why images are degraded and stuff. I don't have that problem. I'm just asking why my images don't automatically display on the mod page. When you browse through the files of the web sight pages. My image doesn't appear. Like invisible, it there a option I must press to make it happen. Kinda new to the web sight.

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Hmm..that is wierd. You don't need to be a premium member so I can't realy tell what is the problem. You should contact the staff or wait until a moderator/admin spots your topic.
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Hmm..that is wierd. You don't need to be a premium member so I can't realy tell what is the problem. You should contact the staff or wait until a moderator/admin spots your topic.

Yeah someone asked me about that. People can still see the pictures by clicking the link. I just don't know why my Image doesn't automatically appear on the mod web page while others do. Like heres what I mean, theres no pictures in my gallery window unless you click the links. Setting a Primary Image seems pointless.



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I know what you mean. it works if you click on the link.


Here is how it shows up for me: http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk185/pushkatu/untitled-9.jpg


I tryed adding an image myself, but it doesn't work. I get a wierd error when I upload it, but it says that image has succesfuly been added. :unsure:

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I know what you mean. it works if you click on the link.


Here is how it shows up for me: http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk185/pushkatu/untitled-9.jpg


Thanks man :thanks: , I thought it was just me. Now I know. Thats weird, I wonder why it does that to me, while others you can see them o_O

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Did you get errors when you uploaded the images? That might be the problem, becouse I did get some wierd errors.


I get this when I upload


Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: gd-jpeg, libjpeg: recoverable error: Corrupt JPEG data: 14 extraneous bytes before marker 0xdb in /home/dragon/public_html/members/do_addfileimage.php on line 76


Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: '/home/dragon/public_html/downloads/images/644-1-1264330639.jpg' is not a valid JPEG file in /home/dragon/public_html/members/do_addfileimage.php on line 76


Warning: Division by zero in /home/dragon/public_html/members/do_addfileimage.php on line 83


Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in /home/dragon/public_html/members/do_addfileimage.php on line 86


Warning: imageantialias(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/dragon/public_html/members/do_addfileimage.php on line 87


Warning: imagecopyresampled(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/dragon/public_html/members/do_addfileimage.php on line 90


Warning: imagejpeg(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/dragon/public_html/members/do_addfileimage.php on line 97



lol then this


Image(s) successfully added to the A Killer Phabio for Zevran gallery

Now we're in business


uh.... :wallbash:

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