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Issue with stock .dds file (Bounty Hunter Duster)


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I'm trying to edit the female version of the bounty hunter armor. It's a leftover from FO3, the Lucas Simm's armor, also worn by the Regulators. In New Vegas there are a few NPC's that wear it...Beatrix, the female ghoul prostitute starts out wearing this before she gets hired by the Atomic Wrangler, and the Bounty Hunter for the Atomic Wrangler (whose name escapes me at the moment) also wears it. There might be a few more...


Anyways, I digress.


Can anyone tell me why it would show up like this in GIMP?




I'm running GIMP 2.8 and I haven't run across this problem with any of the other textures before. It shows up fine in Nifskope, but when I open it in GIMP to edit it, the screenshot above is what I get. Also, the male version of the texture doesn't show up like that. I tried disabling various channels and the alpha layer and get the same results.


I also tried re-extracting it from the bsa. No dice.


I'm open to suggestions.

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I'm trying to edit the female version of the bounty hunter armor. It's a leftover from FO3, the Lucas Simm's armor, also worn by the Regulators. In New Vegas there are a few NPC's that wear it...Beatrix, the female ghoul prostitute starts out wearing this before she gets hired by the Atomic Wrangler, and the Bounty Hunter for the Atomic Wrangler (whose name escapes me at the moment) also wears it. There might be a few more...


Anyways, I digress.


Can anyone tell me why it would show up like this in GIMP?




I'm running GIMP 2.8 and I haven't run across this problem with any of the other textures before. It shows up fine in Nifskope, but when I open it in GIMP to edit it, the screenshot above is what I get. Also, the male version of the texture doesn't show up like that. I tried disabling various channels and the alpha layer and get the same results.


I also tried re-extracting it from the bsa. No dice.


I'm open to suggestions.

Try running it through Photoshop, just to make sure. I doubt that this will make much of a difference, as you said that you can work fine with other .dds textures, but it's worth a shot.

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I don't have photoshop and I can't upload the file because that would be a violation of the ToS and get me banned because it's an original asset. If someone else could extract the texture from their .bsa and see if they get a different result, that would at least tell me if it was just me.


The file shows up fine in nifskope and I have a program called Irfranview that's just basically a viewer with some minor photo editing features and it loads up fine in that as well.

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Well, I still don't know what the problem was, but the file you linked to worked with the stock mesh and did what I wanted, so thanks again.

I kinda wish I knew what the problem was in case it happens again, but this worked out in this case at least.

Edited by Fistandilius
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