phrophet Posted June 7, 2014 Share Posted June 7, 2014 here is the script I hope someone can assist me. ScriptName amxPlayerControl3 float player2xfloat player2yint idleint holsteredref npcint jumpingfloat jumpheightfloat maxjumpheightfloat jumpforcefloat npcmass 1float gravity -9.8int jumpcountshort doOnceGetClothesshort pantsPercentshort shirtPercentshort shoesPercentint firedelaycountint weaponcfloat aimangle 0int vx2 ; keys "16: Q17: W18: E19: R20: T21: Y22: U23: I24: O25: P30: A31: S32: D33: F34: G35: H36: J37: K38: L44: Z45: X46: C47: V48: B49: N50: M" ; * -1 - none ; * 0 - ANIM_ACTION_EQUIP_WEAPON ; * 1 - ANIM_ACTION_UNEQUIP_WEAPON ; * 2 - ANIM_ACTION_ATTACK ; * 3 - ANIM_ACTION_ATTACK_FOLLOW_THROUGH ; * 4 - ANIM_ACTION_ATTACK_THROW ; * 5 - ANIM_ACTION_ATTACK_THROW_ATTACH ; * 6 - ANIM_ACTION_BLOCK ; * 7 - ANIM_ACTION_RECOIL ; * 8 - ANIM_ACTION_RELOAD ; * 9 - ANIM_ACTION_STAGGER ; * 10 - ANIM_ACTION_DODGE; * 11 - ANIM_ACTION_WAIT_FOR_LOWER_BODY_ANIM; * 12 - ANIM_ACTION_WAIT_FOR_SPECIAL_IDLE; * 13 - ANIM_ACTION_FORCE_SCRIPT_ANIM begin GameMode set idle to 1set npc to getcontainernpc.setplayerteammate 1 npc.removefromallfactionsnpc.removescriptpackagenpc.addscriptpackage amxFollow2npc.setignorefriendlyhits 999npc.setav responsibility 1npc.setav assistance 2npc.setav aggression 1npc.setav confidence 4 ref rSelfset rSelf to GetSelf ;npc.AddtoFaction PartyFaction 1;npc.setfactionrank PlayerFaction 1SetAlert 1 if GetKnockedState == 0if IsKeyPressed 71 ==1if npc.GetAnimAction != 2set firedelaycount to firedelaycount + 1if firedelaycount > 2set firedelaycount to 0set idle to 0 PlayGroup AttackPower 0if getEquipped WeapFlamer == 1FireWeapon WeapFlamerendifif getEquipped WeapLaserPistol == 1FireWeapon WeapLaserPistol endifif getEquipped Weap10mmPistol == 1FireWeapon Weap10mmPistol endifif getEquipped WeapLaserRifle == 1;FireWeapon WeapLaserRifle endifif getEquipped WeapMissileLauncher == 1FireWeapon WeapMissileLauncherendifif getEquipped WeapShotgunCombat == 1FireWeapon WeapShotgunCombatendifif getEquipped WeapMinigun == 1FireWeapon WeapMinigunendif endifendifendif if IsKeyPressed 72 ==1; key Jset player2x to player2x - 200Rotate Z player2xif idle == 1PlayGroup TurnLeft 2endifset idle to 0 endifif IsKeyPressed 73 ==1;key - Lset player2x to player2x+200Rotate Z player2xif idle == 1PlayGroup TurnRight 2endifset idle to 0endif set vx2 to vx2 + 1 if IsKeyPressed 74 ==1if idle==1if npc.isAnimPlaying Equip == 0;if npc.GetAnimAction != 0 ; key o if getEquipped OutfitJumpsuitTLHandyman== 0equipItem OutfitJumpsuitTLHandymanendif if vx2 >50set vx2 to 0endif if vx2 ==0 FireWeapon Weap10mmPistol int vxset vx to 1if weaponc == 1 && vx == 1equipItem WeapShotgunCombatset vx to 0endifif weaponc == 2 && vx == 1set vx to 0equipItem WeapMissileLauncherendifif weaponc == 3 && vx == 1set vx to 0equipItem WeapFlamerendifif weaponc == 4 && vx == 1set vx to 0equipItem WeapLaserPistolendifif weaponc == 5 && vx == 1set vx to 0equipItem Weap10mmPistolendifif weaponc == 6 && vx == 1set vx to 0equipItem WeapLaserRifleendifif weaponc == 7 && vx == 1set vx to 0equipItem WeapMinigunendifset weaponc to weaponc + 1 if weaponc > 7set weaponc to 1endifendif;PlayGroup Equip 0set idle to 0endifendifendif if IsKeyPressed 75 ==1;if npc.isAnimPlaying FastForward == 0; forward - i;set player2y to player2y+10if idle == 1PlayGroup FastForward 0endifset idle to 0;PlayGroup Idle 1;endifendif if IsKeyPressed 76 ==1PlayGroup FastBackward 0set idle to 0endif if IsKeyPressed 77 ==1;key H - return homeMoveto Playerendif if IsKeyPressed 79 ==1;key Uif jumping == 0;PlayGroup JumpStart 0;PlayGroup BlockHit 0PlayGroup JumpLoopForward 0;PushActorAway rSelf 1;PlayGroup JumpLoop 0set idle to 0set jumping to 1set maxjumpheight to GetPos Z + 100set jumpforce to 10set jumpcount to 0endifset jumpcount to jumpcount + 1 float zPos ;float finaljumpforce ;set finaljumpforce to jumpforce-gravityset zPos to GetPos Z + jumpforceif jumpcount < 10SetPos Z zPosendifset jumpforce to jumpforce * 0.95 ;if GetPos Z < maxjumpheight; set jumpheight to jumpheight + jumpforce;endifelseset jumping to 0set jumpheight to 0set jumpforce to 0endif if IsKeyPressed 80 ==1set aimangle to aimangle + 3endifif IsKeyPressed 81 ==1set aimangle to aimangle - 3endifif aimangle > 90set aimangle to 90endifif aimangle < -90set aimangle to -90endif endif SetAngle X aimangle if idle == 1PlayGroup Idle 0endifset player2x to player2x * 0.3set player2y to player2y * 0.3 ;Player.SetPos Z zPos;=======;Teleport;=======if(npc.GetDistance player>500)npc.moveto playerprinttoconsole "SCC: %n too far. Moving to player." npcendif;===========;End Teleport;=========== ;if(npc.GetIsCurrentPackage aaaFollow == 0 ); npc.removescriptpackage; npc.addscriptpackage amxFollow3;endif end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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