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New custom Light Armor


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Wow I can't believe no one has taken interest in this so far... For what Raughnut has been able to do so far i'm completely impressed. The armor is totally unique in comparison to the rest of the armor in the game. I would love to see this project finished. I would suggest perhaps posting on bioware's project board to see if you can get people to help you. I myself am trying to learn the process of modding in general, but I got quite a ways to go. Are you doing all of this in 3ds max?
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Haha thank you Silvist, I used 3dmax to model It and I´ve been trying to rig it myself too. but even with all the tutorials I've read, I can't get it to work properly, and I can't even get it into the game, even badly rigged It doesn´t show up, I also can't get the pauldrons to work... I guess that blender is really better for that as both, Deceptive Warrior and Kzelsama said... and that is why I ask for help hehe. and I like this nexus forums better... Don't worry, maybe someone will help us one of this days... I hope, hehe
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What character are you using?


Is it human, dwarf or elf?


Remember the way you name your file matters to the GDA..


If its an elf


name it something like em_arm_(name)a_0


human is hm_arm(name)a_0


dwarf is hm_arm(name)a_0


for females its ef, hf and df

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I named the armor, for human male: hm_armor_cha1_0.mmh and msh. until now, I managed to get only the retextured part of the body into the toolset at least hehe. I can now see it when I make a new matproj. now I just have to get the real rigged armor hehe.
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Just look at the armor ingame... isn't it amazing?






because is definitly as "amusing" as deceptive said hahahahahaha


Any other way of exporting it failed, so I used a script for max that i found... but as you can see, something went terribly wrong somewhere...

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woah lol wtf. Yeah I been playing around lilke crazy, and I'm just trying to do something as simple as import existing msh from oblivion. My biggest problem lies in getting the same model style of gear. Getting a mesh into the game is super easy, just editin a mao, but lol a new model seems to be a @#$@#$#@ pain. I think your problem lies in the same dam thing I have a problem with, which is how the armor sits in 3d space. If you notice when you use like datools 5.0, and see how the armor floats in space, I figure if you make a new armor for a race, it has to do exactly that. The thing I can't figure out for the life of me is where to get those dam coordinates. I have an odd feeling there possibly in the mmh file. I opened it in a notepad format, and despite some jibberish, I saw some information pertaining to like float points or something inside of it.


One armor I imported into the game made the game crash on equiping it, and the 2nd time I tried my characters body shrank to the size of a nickle. Yeah i wish I knew how to fix this all.

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I think those coordinates might refer either to the origin in max, or to the bones attached to the mesh, I'm also new to modding... very new in fact but T.T I'm about to give up! haha. I can't figure out what is wrong with daoexporter. I follow every step and still I get "total bones" = 0 in the .mmh and now, Im not even able to achieve the same "success" that I had when I uploaded that last image... and I'm also starting to become aware that this topic has become more a builder troubleshooting than a mod request hehe
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Don't give up man! So far your work is far more unique and brilliant the most the armor mods i've seen out there. Your pretty much making a custom model that isn't even in the game! Not only that its f*#@in fire-emblem lol. Just for that reason you should finish it @_@. Or at least see if someone can take a look at your files and fix them. I suggest talkin to some of the modders i listed before, and see if they have any sucess on what you can't complete.
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Your hair mod is awesome! lol no endorsements, your crazy lol. Nero owns lol. I've been trying to convert tons of oblivion mods of dmc to dragon age. At least you got one down :P. In case your curious of what I've toyed with:


















And by far my fav:






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Thank you Silvist! I've seen other armour projecs that go even farther than I could aspire to in this site tho.. like the Necromonger armour hehe. and thanks for your comment about the hair mod. I really don't know what happened to the endorsements hehe. I guess I clicked in the wrong place.


your work for oblivion is also very impressive! those weapons would look nice in dragon age too hehe.




I was finally able to get the armour into the game! It is still not rigged as good as it should be, but at least it works now. there are some minor poligon glitches here and there but the important thing is that it is now nowhere near as in the last picture. it now moves and is usable hehe. and I haven't give up! maybe it'll be finished soon. maybe hehe.





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