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How to make a custom race with a body mod


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I like various body types created for Fallout 3 and was wondering how I could change one NPC (like a follower) or my main character into a unique body mod (unique in that, it will not change all NPCs)


I realize it's necessary to make a custom race, but I am unsure how to do this.


Also, can this be done to an already saved game?


Thanks in advance!

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Open Geck

Find Races in the tree

Right click on the race you want yours to be most like, and choose duplicate.

In the races menu, find your duplicate and rename it to what you want, and then modify its data to your heart's content.


After you're done, you will have to run FO3edit to to remove erroneous modification to African American race, if you are worried about overwriting something.


If you don't want/don't know how to do that, you can dl an existing custom race mod on nexus and just modify that one to be what you want.


Then just make your NPC be the lone member of that race.

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Thank you very much for the help!!


Fairly simple it seems. /bow





I need to learn how to use GECK better or something. When I use the files of a different body type (for example, exnem's body or exnems bigger breasts) with my defaulted type 3, nothing changes. The different type 3 bodies do change, but not to exnem. Anyway, it's probably because I should go through more tutorials. This isn't even getting into not knowing how to get hair packs for new races and such, haha.


Thanks again!

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Sorry for double post:


So I successfully created and have used a new race to play around with. The new race has a different body mesh and texture than everyone else, so that's cool. I have this issue now though, where I'll sometimes crash randomly when using my new plug in. Any idea why?


I'm still reading through some tutorials to try and figure it out too.


Edit: I think it may have been a duplicate ref id. I changed it and have not had problems YET. Time will tell. Again, thank you for the simple to follow instructions!

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